Pray for Your Police Department!

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Pray-for-policeOur Police put their lives on the line every day for our protection and the protection of our loved ones. They do this out of love of the principles of law and order and are willing to die for these ideals. Without these types of heroic sacrifice, our society will fall into chaos and ruin.

They need our prayers beseeching the most powerful intercession of Our Lady during these trying times when communists have influenced the course of events pitting them against us in a most unjust and biased way. The leftist narrative seen in the media is that the police are unjust and persecuting minorities. However, almost 100% of the investigations exonerate the police that the media condemns without a thorough investigation or ruling.

This could not be more discouraging. Put yourself in their shoes and ask if you would continue to put your life in harms way for the good of society when our liberal politicians rush to judgment without considering facts, dutifully repeated in headlines everywhere.

We have to show our solidarity with our police not only out of Christian charity, but we must fight to maintain the infrastructure of order that is essential to the fabric of our nation.

Please consider making additional sacrifices to show our police that the overwhelming majority of Americans support them and do not approve of the leftist tactics of agitation the media portrays as the mood of public opinion.

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