Protest Coney Island’s Sacrilegious Black Mass Called “Sodom By the Seashore”

Protest Coney Island's Sacrilegious Black Mass Called “Sodom By the Seashore”

When I came across this depravity, I was shocked beyond words.

On October 20 Coney Island USA will be having a black mass at their multi-arts center, which they describe as a “celebration of blasphemy and sin.” (Emphasis added)

Sign Today to Demand That This Black Mass be Canceled!

The poster for the event reads: “The Brooklyn Anti-Diocese will Perform A BLACK MASS—SODOM BY THE SEASHORE”

The description for the event declares: “BLACK MASS is a celebration of blasphemy and sin, combining irreverent disregard for typical religious mores with chaotic, consistently poignant ritual acts carried out by a clergy comprised of internationally renowned multidisciplinary performance artists. Nothing is sacred. Anything may happen.” (Emphasis added)

It goes on to say “Black Mass invites you to free your soul… The you that enters, will never leave.”

Please Sign This Petition to Demand that Coney Island USA Cancel Its Black Mass

2,000 years ago, the forces of evil had such a hatred for Our Lord Jesus Christ that they decided to kill Him in a most ignominious way. As we know, after the passion of Our Lord, He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.

Today, Satan’s henchmen can no longer crucify Our Lord, and so they go about attempting to humiliate Him in other ways.

Black Masses are one of the worst ways that they do this because it mocks the Holy Mass, the unbloody renewal of the sacrifice Our Lord made for us on Calvary.

Please sign this petition, and don’t forget to console Our offended Lord with your prayers and sacrifices.

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To: James Fitzsimmons, Executive Director of Coney Island USA,

Please stop the Black Mass that is scheduled for October 20.

This “celebration of blasphemy and sin” is offensive to God and man.

I urge you to cancel this sacrilegious event immediately.
