Nickelodeon, the first children’s television channel, simulcasted the 2021 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs). The VMAs have a history of immoral fashion, profane speech, lewd dancing and promotions of the “lgbt” ideology.
This year was no different, and worse yet, tens of thousands of children were watching with Nickelodeon’s help.
In 2020, 6.4 million people watched the VMAs on a Viacom channel, the owner of Nickelodeon.
Sign Here to Protest Nickelodeon’s Promotion of the VMAs!
This year’s VMAs featured:
- Profanity and vulgar joking and conversation
- Indecent costumes nearing nudity
- Promotion of the “LGBTQ” agenda. One of the participants, Lil Nas X, said “First, I want to say thank you to the gay agenda!” and “Let’s go gay agenda!”
- And lewd homo-erotic dancing
Such a show is unacceptable no matter a person’s age, but this year, tens of thousands of children watched this corrupting show with the aid of Nickelodeon.
Protest this Perverted Show That Our Children Were Subjected To Now!