Satanic Circus Promotes Weekend of Blasphemy and Immorality

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Satanic Circus Promotes Weekend of Blasphemy and Immorality

I just heard about a horrible event coming up in a couple of weeks, and I want to make you find out right away.

A Satanic circus known as the Paranormal Cirque is scheduled to perform in the Wyoming Valley Mall in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, from September 19th through the 22nd.

Why is it so bad? Because men dress as nuns and simulate immoral acts, it contains demonic imagery and features lewd and macabre scenes.

And the worst part? Children as young as thirteen are allowed to attend!

Hearing this makes me sick, so I launched a petition drive demanding that the mall owner cancel this wretched event.

Please Add Your Name to the Petition Drive

As Catholics, it is our moral obligation to fight against Satanism anywhere it appears.

That’s why I started this petition drive. Because we need to keep Satan away from our children.

If we put on enough pressure, this event could get cancelled. If not, I’ll do everything I can to organize an in-person prayer protest.

However, I am confident that this petition drive will do some damage. And more importantly, it will please God.

Would you like to add your name?

Sign Here! Keep Satan Away from Our Children.

Thank you. Please pray and offer up sacrifices in reparation for this event. It is our duty.

I’ll be sure to keep you posted on any developments regarding this event.

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To: Felix Reznick, Principal of 4th Dimension Properties, Owner of Wyoming Valley Mall,

I am appalled that Wyoming Valley Mall is scheduled to allow Paranormal Cirque to perform.

This Satanic circus contains four categories of grave public offenses against God.

Paranormal Cirque combines blasphemy, public immorality, the culture of death and the public acceptance of Satanism. In our current society, events like this circus mainstream these gravely offensive acts as acceptable in real life and on the public square.

These grave moral dangers should never be shown or accepted, especially blasphemy and immorality.

Because of this, I demand that you cancel this blasphemous and offensive event.
