The pro-homosexual agenda is rearing its ugly head in your children’s cereal, possibly at your local grocery store.
Hitting some main chain grocery stores in May, Kellogg’s created a new, “Together with Pride” rainbow-colored, heart-shaped cereal.
Sign Here to Protest Kellogg’s Pro-Homosexual “Pride” Cereal
The cereal will cost $3.99, and for every box purchased, Kellogg’s will be donating $3.00 to a pro-homosexual organization, GLAAD, if customers can prove they purchased the cereal.
This is sickening and perverted. Leave our children alone!
The pro-homosexual agenda is using this as a means to normalize unnatural sin and a harmful lifestyle.
Taking a Principled not a Personal Stand
Please sign here to protest this abomination and protect our children from being exposed to this perversion.
Click Here to Protest Kellogg’s “Pride” Cereal