Texas Governor Greg Abbott has just signed an executive order prohibiting counties and cities in the State of Texas from banning religious services during the coronavirus COVID-19 crisis. He has also declared religious services to be essential in the State of Texas.
Following the strict protocols, such as hand sanitizing, social distancing and basic common sense, the obstacles to public worship have been taken away.
In light of this, we petition the Bishops of Texas to reopen the churches to the faithful for public worship and access to the Sacraments!
You don’t have to be a Texan to sign. All Catholics will rejoice seeing you take this step. It will serve as an encouragement to the faithful wherever they may be.
The strict protocols of social distancing, hand sanitization and basic common sense, must be followed.
Implore the Bishops of Texas to reopen churches, for public worship and access to the Sacraments!
Access to the Sacraments is essential. They are life-sustaining. They fortify us and allow us to confront this crisis with courage and charity.
There is no better way to confront this diabolical virus than with the power of the Sacraments.
The Faith and Sacraments are at the core of who we are as Catholics. They are the most essential things we have and we must use them to combat any evil that assails us.
Hopefully, this petition and Governor Abbot’s executive order will encourage the Bishops of Texas to permit the faithful access and public worship of the Sacraments and inspire other bishops to do the same.