The push for acceptance of gender ideology, which is contrary to the law of God, continues with a recent ad from the company CarGurus.
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The focal point of the commercial is two visibly homosexual men. They are featured in their home, where a misunderstanding regarding their relationship takes place. The dialogue is scattered with suggestive language intertwined with humor. At the end of the ad, the two embrace in a blatantly amorous manner.
Taking a principled, not personal, stand.
The ad is intended to normalize these relationships using humorous means. The left has used this strategy successfully in softening the publicâs objection to sinful acts.
We must resist these efforts and defend Godâs law publically. There will not be any change if these types of commercials go by uncontested.
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To accomplish this task, CarGurus must be forced to discontinue this attack on Godâs law immediately.