Almost every child has heard of Oreo cookies. What they do not know is that the company is now promoting the unnatural sin of homosexuality in their ad, Proud Parent, and has issued a limited run of rainbow-colored filled cookies.
Oreo also encourages people on social media to show their acceptance by posting pictures of what supporting the homosexual agenda means to them, including the tag #ProudParent so they can get a chance to win the limited edition rainbow-colored cookies.
The ad, Proud Parent, revolves around a woman who brings another woman back home to her family. By the end, a rainbow flag is painted on the outside of the family’s fence, showing support.
Absolutely sickening. Oreo is promoting unnatural sodomy as something that should be accepted as “normal.”
Taking a principled, not a personal stand
The sin of homosexuality is not normal but an intrinsic evil.
Protest Oreo’s normalization of the sin of homosexuality!
Oreo should stick to promoting and selling cookies, not sinful lifestyles.
The cookie is typically connected to innocent childhood memories. Not anymore. Oreo is now promoting the homosexual agenda, which is very harmful to our children.
According to Oreo, they have, “partnership with PFLAG, the country’s oldest LGBTQ+ ally organization…”
They are committed “to empowering and inspiring parents, families, and allies to come out in loud, public support.”
Promote virtue and chastity, not unnatural vice and filthy lifestyles.
Sign here to protest Oreo’s promotion of unnatural vice.