Blasphemy is rampant nowadays. Some of the things I see on the news leave me shocked, asking myself how such abominations could possibly take place and why more people do not react.
It is needless to explain why Mary is the Mother of Sorrows. Indeed, the sins we see happening today should sadden any good Christian.
However, the enemies of God have decided to mock this holy sorrow and make a perverse mockery of Jesus and Our Lady of Sorrows!
Sign Now Against This Unthinkable Attack on Our Blessed Mother
This most recent attack on our Faith is featured on the cover of a newly-released edition of Vanity Fair magazine. This blasphemy is portrayed by Madonna, a pop singer infamous for her vile songs, pornographic photo shoots and disgraceful mockeries of the Faith.
In the cover photo, the debauched celebrity is dressed in the traditional clothing associated with Our Lady of Sorrows. She is featured wearing a traditional veil, a traditional Spanish headpiece and a heart pierced by seven swords. The photographers even went so far as to portray Madonna with tears, mocking the tears Our Lady wept at the foot of the cross!
By issuing this magazine, Vanity Fair has replaced the most pure face of Our Lady with the face of an infamous woman.
This photo alone is outrageous enough. However, I am sad to say that this is only one among many much, much worse images.
Yes, I Will Sign Against This Horrendous Blasphemy
The images inside the magazine reveal an appalling fact: Vanity Fair asked Madonna to portray Our Lord Jesus Christ in a pornographic depiction of the Last Supper!
This photo shows Madonna in the place of Our Lord, surrounded by twelve badly-dressed women taking the place of the twelve apostles.
The singer’s explanation of this photo shows the motives behind the project:
“As you know in the Last Supper Jesus is a man and he’s surrounded by male disciples. So I thought it interesting that we would flip the tables around (so to speak) and Jesus would be feminine energy and I would be surrounded by female disciples…I liked the idea we were playing with that contradiction, which isn’t really a contradiction.” [Emphasis added]
I Am Outraged and Will Sign Against This Blasphemy!
The outrages go on. Another “Last Supper” photo features Madonna mocking the Consecration next to a model badly dressed and indecently posing.
Another shows her wearing severed baby doll heads and body parts all over her clothing! These are the type of things featured in this mainstream magazine.
There is no respect for the dignity of Catholics and their beliefs.
In fact, Madonna said the following:
“I was raised a Catholic and at the end of the day. I thought if the Catholic Church did not perceive my work as an artist as doing something good, then that was their problem and an extension of their narrow mindedness…” [Emphasis added]
Madonna and Vanity Fair scandalously mock Jesus and Mary in this issue.
We must oppose this blasphemy!
Please join me in our Christian duty, and sign against this outrageous offense!
SIGN NOW to Hold Vanity Fair Accountable for This Outrageous Blasphemy!