Fr. James Martin, S.J., otherwise known as the Rainbow Jesuit, is at promoting the anti-family homosexual agenda in God’s Church once again.
The Diocese of Richmond, Virginia has welcomed Fr. Martin to give a virtual talk “about the importance of building bridges between and reaching out to LGBT Catholics.”
Stop Fr. Martin’s Scandalous Talk In Virginia!
Countless times Fr. Martin has peddled his agenda of favoring vice, and countless times have the faithful rejected it.
Some Scandalous Things Fr. Martin Said:
Fr. James Martin Supports Transgenderism for Children
On October 2, 2017, Fr. Martin posted comments supporting a young boy who presented himself as a girl to receive religious education at a Catholic parish. When the parish offered to teach the boy as long as he presented himself according to his biological sex, registered on his baptismal certificate, Fr. Martin objected, calling the Church’s decision “a scandal.” In this case, Fr. Martin supported transgender confusion, which, according to the American College of Pediatricians, is a form of child abuse.
Fr. James Martin Would “Canonize Sr. Jeannine Gramick,” a Dissident, Pro-Homosexual Nun
During a podcast on June 16, 2017, Fr. Martin said that Sr. Jeannine Gramick, a nun censured by the Vatican for her pro-homosexual activism with New Ways Ministry, should be declared a saint, “I’m going to canonize Sr. Jeannine Gramick.” Catholics should know that Sister Gramick has a record of defiant disobedience. In 1999 the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, under then-Cardinal Ratzinger, permanently prohibited her “from any pastoral work involving homosexual persons.”
Source: Jesuitical podcast (at minute 32:21), published on America “Father James Martin: L.G.B.T. Catholics have been treated like dirt. We can do better.” at
Fr. James Martin Tweets Blasphemous Depiction of Our Lady
Fr. Martin tweeted a blasphemous depiction of Our Lady of Guadalupe to 169,000 followers on her feast day, December 12, 2017. The offensive image portrays Our Lady with a hiked up skirt and was created by feminist artist Yolanda Lopez to question the “common icon of the ideal woman.” reports: “In her image of a woman brandishing a snake and treading on an angel, Lopez wished to emphasize ‘strength and power’ through the depiction of muscular thighs. The snake represents sexuality. The angel underfoot represents the patriarchy.”
Source:, “Pro-gay Vatican adviser tweets immodest image of Mary on Guadalupe feast day” at
Fr. Martin’s virtual talk that will be on February 23 is entitled “Building Bridges: Reaching out to LGBT Catholics.”
Ask Bishop Knestout: “Why is this priest being given a platform by your diocese?”
Although the Richmond diocese is not openly promoting Fr. Martin’s talk, many of Richmond’s parishes are. Virginia Beach’s Holy Family parish says that the talk is being supported by the Office of Social Ministries and Respect Life of the Richmond diocese.
Holy Family is not only promoting the talk but also are setting up study sessions of Fr. Martin’s scandalous book, “Building Bridges.”
Fr. Martin openly advocates the Church to “reconsider” their teachings on the grave disorder of homosexuality.
Make Your Voice Heard—Show Your Disapproval To Bishop Knestout For Inviting Fr. Martin