Tell ABC to Apologize for T.V. Show Promoting Abortion for Teenagers Without Parental Consent!

Despite the overturning of Roe V. Wade, the fight against abortion is far from over.

The latest example of this is an outrageous new T.V. show promoting abortion for minors without parental knowledge.

Tell ABC to Apologize for T.V. Show Promoting Abortion for Teenagers Without Parental Consent!

This most recent attack was a part of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy. In a recent episode, the show’s producers used the opportunity to attack the overturning of Roe.

For instance, one of the doctors had this to say about Dobbs:

“… the Supreme Court went and stripped women of our reproductive rights. Dr. Wilson has been helping me with a sex-ed curriculum to teach teenagers about their bodies because we now live in a country where the only way to guarantee you don’t have to carry an unwanted pregnancy is to not get pregnant.” [Emphasis added]

This terminology outright ignores the unborn babies’ right to life. This fact is outrageous!

Stop this attack on the unborn!

However, it gets much, much worse. In the same episode, there is a scene depicting a doctor guiding a teenage girl through the medical abortion process.

What makes this even more shocking is when the high school student expresses concern for her parents finding out, the doctor says:

They don’t have to know if you don’t want them to. As long as the embryo measures under 10 weeks, you can have a medical abortion. We’ll give you pills so that you can manage it at home.” [Emphasis added]

Unfortunately, this scenario corresponds to reality, as some states don’t require parental consent prior to abortions for minors.

We cannot let the abortion agenda corrupt any more minds, especially those of our youth!

Don’t Let ABC Continue Pushing the Abortion Agenda!

Despite the Dobbs decision, pro-lifers cannot become complacent. This episode is proof that the far left is far from raising the white flag.

If we want to stop the radical pro-abortion left, we need to fight! Please sign this petition, and join the battle for moral values!

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To: Craig Erwich, President of ABC Entertainment

I am appalled that your T.V. show Grey’s Anatomy is pushing the abortion agenda on its viewership.

It is already bad enough that in Episode 3 of Season 19, the plot features numerous attacks on the recent Dobbs decision, a victory that has already saved thousands of unborn lives.

However, your show took things even further by portraying a doctor guiding a teenage girl through a medical abortion without informing her parents. This fact is particularly disturbing!

I demand that you issue an immediate apology for this offensive content! Additionally I demand that you never again publish pro-abortion propaganda in any of your companies!
