Hollywood goes further and further off the deep end. TBS in a recent episode of The Detour, produced a scene involving a 14-year-old child actress, Ashley Gerasimovich and Jason Jones, a grown man. The two in the series are Delilah and Nate.[1]
The episode revolves around the young girl Delilah who complains that she can’t talk to her father the way she talks to her mother. By the way, in the series, the mother is a stripper.
The concern around her lament is that there are sensitive topics, which she wants to bring up with her father about sexuality. Sadly, the girl walks in on her father who is looking at immoral pictures online.
The subject she broaches upon is the topic of masturbation. The girl then goes on in detail what is going on.
Tell TBS Immorality is not Acceptable!
Rather than teach the child not to indulge in sexual actions outside of the context of marriage between the couples, the father just listens without correction.
Finally, the girl says, “I’m just glad we’re embarking on the sexual awakening journey together.”
The father gives his approval and encouragingly replies,” It’s…it’s your trip. I’m just waving from the shore.”
In a gross sexual innuendo, the father leaves an electric toothbrush by his daughter’s door with a note written, “For your ‘teeth.’” The girl then lights up with a smile.
This is horrendous and just gross. In reality, the sexually perverse scene is being played out by an adult man and an underage young girl who is not even his daughter!
Hollywood has gone too far and must stop the promotion of sexual deviancy and perversion.
Please tell TBS to stop this gross immorality.
[1] https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/dawn-slusher/2018/02/02/young-teen-embarks-sexual-awakening-journey-her-father-tbs