Please ask H. E. Bishop of Innsbruck,
Mons. Hermann Glettler, to remove the blasphemous crucifix.
"Jesus Clock" is the name given to the work of an Austrian artist displayed within the sanctuary of the historic Spitalskirche in central Innsbruck, Austria. The upside-down wooden corpus projects from a mechanism on a shaft that is embedded in the torso. The severed arms of the sculpted icon of the Crucified mark the minutes and seconds on the timepiece.
This is a scandal for Catholics, but not for the local bishop, Hermann Glettler, who approves and encourages this and other modern "works of art" in various churches of his diocese.
Sign a Respectful Protest against the Blasphemy in Austria
"As time passes, the arms form the different constellations and the static body of the dead Christ suddenly takes life, which represents a moment of liberation from the Cross and an overcoming of death itself," says the bishop when referring to the work.
This is an utter blasphemy and outrage against Our Lord Jesus Christ Who redeemed mankind upon the Cross.
During this Holy Week, Christ is being attacked and crucified again even by those within His Church.
Sign here to defend Jesus and console Him during His Passion.