Support Marcus Lemonis: Flying a Large Flag Should NOT be a Crime!

Support CEO Marcus Lemonis for Flying the American Flag

A recent controversy broke in North Carolina over something, which to Americans is just absurd.

The city of Statesville, North Carolina, has filed a lawsuit against an RV retailer, Gander RV, for displaying outside one of their stores a massive 40 foot by 80 foot American Flag.

The city states that the size of the American Flag does not comply with the city's ordinance. The city of Statesville is also seeking a fine of $50 a day which would amount to over $10,000 to date.

CEO Marcus Lemonis has stated, "The flag isn't coming down. It's the only thing I know for certain,"

He continued, "I know I'm going to die. I know I'm going to pay taxes. And I know I'm not taking the flag down.

According to his attorneys, his noncompliance could result in jailing. Regardless, Mr. Lemonis affirmed, "If that is the result, I’m still not taking the flag down."

This attitude against Gander RV is simply un-American.

Why would a city go to such extremes to take down a massive American Flag which doesn't precisely fit the size they deem fit for display?

Sign here to show your support for Gander RV's decision to not back down to an unpatriotic and un-American ordinance.

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