The Equality Myth, a Founding Legend

The Equality Myth, a Founding Legend 5

All epochs have a founding legend, a myth that reflects the underlying zeitgeist, which is the spirit of those particular times. We, who live in the contemporary West, are living in the shadow of the equality myth. Our political and social institutions operate on the premise that all human beings are fundamentally … Read more

The Upper Classes Must Set the Tone, not Vulgarize Their Manners

The Upper Classes Must Set the Tone, not Vulgarize Their Manners 2

""""[vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]""""[vc_column_text]An aristocracy and a bourgeoisie that vulgarize their manners and dress in order to disarm the Revolution harm themselves. A social authority that degrades itself is comparable to the salt that has lost its savor. It is good for nothing save to be cast out and trodden on by men (cf. … Read more

A Misconception of Compassion

A Misconception of Compassion 4

Not a few Americans have an aversion to social and economic inequalities. This repulsion arises not so much from philosophical convictions as from a temperamental disposition at the heart of which lies a serious misconception about the nature of compassion. Such mentalities believe that inequalities, particularly those of a social or economic … Read more

How to Revive the Notion of Good and Evil

How to Revive the Notion of Good and Evil 2

  The notion of good and evil can be revived in various ways, including: •  Avoiding all formulations that smack of secularist or interdenominational morality, because secularism and interdenominationalism logically lead to amorality. •  Opportunely pointing out that God has the right to be obeyed and that, therefore, His Commandments are true … Read more

Why Does Love Arouse Hatred?

Why Does Love Arouse Hatred? 2

A friendly reader asked me to explain why the Church has been fought so fiercely throughout her history even though she is the preacher of the Truth. He also wants to know why true Catholics, who do not compromise with present-day errors and remain faithful to the immutable teaching of Our Lord … Read more

Pride and Egalitarianism

Pride and Egalitarianism 3

Subject to another’s authority, the proud person first hates the particular yoke that weighs upon him. Secondly, the proud man begins to hate all authority in general and all yokes, and, even more, the very principle of authority considered in the abstract. Because he hates all authority, he also hates superiority of … Read more

Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel 2

Most Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Hosts Model of Those Who Fight under the Standard of the Cross In a memorable article printed in the September 1951 issue of Catolicismo, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira described Archangel Saint Michael as model of several virtues, for example, his humility and hierarchical spirit. He … Read more

A Monument Raised From a Ruin, an Institution From a Custom

A Monument Raised From a Ruin, an Institution From a Custom 3

“Consider the diversity of the Middle Ages: on the one hand, there is the razing of cities, the fall of empires, the struggle between races, the confusion of peoples, violence and lamentations; there is corruption, barbarianism; institutions fall and institutions rise, Men disperse and make nations, whole peoples are led to unknown … Read more

When to Practice True Tolerance

When to Practice True Tolerance 2

I shall present a brief theoretical consideration, followed by a relevant historical example. To tolerate an evil is to consent to its existence. Just as good produces good, evil yields evil. When we are obliged to tolerate something evil, we must limit the evil effects of this tolerance to the greatest degree … Read more