Considerations on the Russian Soul

Considerations on the Russian Soul

In the context of the book Revolution and Counter-Revolution, we can ask: If there had been a counter-revolutionary tsar, what would his policies have been? First of all, he obviously would have converted to the Catholic Faith and had it established throughout Russia. Then, from the temporal perspective, he should have found … Read more

What is Catholic Culture? The Foundation of True Culture

What is Catholic Culture? The Foundation of True Culture

A simple definition of culture is all that enhances the human mind. However, there remains the question of what a Catholic culture is. Indeed, Catholic culture is the highest expression of culture. Culture becomes grounded on solid foundations when it contains precise notions about man’s perfection, especially the powers of the soul … Read more

What Is Culture? All That Enhances the Human Mind

What Is Culture? All That Enhances the Human Mind

What Is Culture? People answer this question in many different ways. Some are inspired by philology, others by all kinds of philosophical and social systems. So many contradictions have arisen around defining culture, and the related word “civilization” gives rise to so many contradictions that international congresses of scholars and professors have … Read more

Saint Bernard’s Spirit of Chivalry

Saint Bernard’s Spirit of Chivalry

Saint Bernard was a Cistercian monk. He founded a religious Order that was a branch of the Order of Saint Benedict, destined to practice greater austerity and have a tougher life than required by the toughest rules of the monks of his time. He believed—how rightly!—that through suffering, man atones for his … Read more

Variety and Unity in Christmas Carols

Variety and Unity in Christmas Carols

Through Their Christmas Carols, Each People Glorify the Child Jesus in Their Own Way Christmas carols vary according to the national character, but all share the same notes appropriate to that Holy Night. The carols may be American, Brazilian, Italian, German, French, or Spanish Christmas carols. The music may vary greatly, but … Read more
