The Mobile Immobility of Chaos

Commentary on the Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin 7

If anything is a common denominator in events of public and private life in so many nations nowadays, it is chaos. Chaotic prospects seem to come one right after the other, and, increasingly, things follow the ways of chaos to an extent hardly fathomed by anyone. The enigmatic forces of chaos produce … Read more

“Homosexual Union is the Opposite of the Family”

“Homosexual Union is the Opposite of the Family”

On October 29, 1992, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira granted an interview to the Brazilian newspaper, O Globo, about the problem of homosexuality and its threat to the family. We reproduce the interview for the benefit of our readers. Q. What is your opinion about the increase of homosexuality in Brazilian society? … Read more

The Castle of Valençay

The Castle of Valençay 2

Lordship,  Power,  Grandeur  and  Splendor The first impression of this castle, located in the Loire Valley, France, is one of enchantment. How marvelous! It is a collection of towers that rise gallantly in the air indicating lordship, power, grandeur and splendor. These are towers of a fortress-castle. The lack of windows shows … Read more

Clothed in Light

Clothed in Light - Our Lady Attracts by Showing the Beauty of Purity

Imagine being just five feet away from Our Lady! Wouldn’t it be great to be but five feet away from her? But, what about having Our Lord within us? If only we would think of this when we receive Holy Communion. As Sister Lucia recounts, when Our Lady appears, everything is white, … Read more

Luther Thought He Was Divine!

Luther Thought He Was Divine!

The five hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther, who was largely responsible for the Protestant revolution of the XVI century, gave rise to manifestations of sympathy in certain Catholic circles which would have been considered absolutely unforeseeable five years ago. Among these manifestations was the visit of HH John Paul II to the … Read more

Luther, Absolutely Not!

Luther, Absolutely Not! 4

The five hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther, who was largely responsible for the Protestant revolution of the XVI century, gave rise to manifestations of sympathy in certain Catholic circles which would have been considered absolutely unforeseeable five years ago. Among these manifestations was the visit of HH John Paul II to the … Read more

Unperceived Ideological Transshipment and Dialogue

Unperceived Ideological Transshipment and Dialogue

Contents: Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Introduction 1. Twisting Words in the Service of Communist Propaganda 2. Unmasking a Process 3. Implicit Ideological Action, the Central Feature of the Process 4. Unperceived Ideological Transshipment: A Summary Chapter I – The New Communist Tactic: Persuasive Action in the Subconscious 1. An Obsolete Conception of … Read more

The Double Game of French Socialism: Gradual in Strategy, Radical in Goal

The Double Game of French Socialism: Gradual in Strategy, Radical in Goal 1

Introduction On December 9, 1981, a striking six-page public interest advertisement appeared in The Washington Post and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the first two in a series of such publications to appear throughout the West. In the advertisements, the Societies for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) jointly addressed the … Read more