Nationalism and Patriotism

Nationalism and Patriotism

At first glance, nationalism and patriotism seem synonymous. However, the concepts are two poles, two extremes, two irreconcilably antagonistic ideas. Patriotism expresses a sense of fidelity to a people and especially to its traditional authority. It is a virtue close to filial piety, by which children love, honor and serve their parents. … Read more

Lessons From Our Lady of the Good Encounter

Lessons From Our Lady of the Good Encounter

The apparitions of Our Lady to a poor shepherdess, Benoîte Rencurel (1664-1718) in Laus, France are special. They involve the simplicity of a young woman and the attitude of Our Lady regarding virtue. At a young age, Benoîte already showed great virtue. Her childhood is filled with extraordinary supernatural episodes. One day, … Read more

Freud, His Doctrine and Errors

Freud, His Doctrine and Errors

This article was written on October 1, 1939 on the occasion of the death of Sigmund Freud. The death of Freud (1856 – September 23, 1939) in England once again shed light on his personality and doctrine. Acclaimed with an aura of wisdom, his doctrine is as little known as the points … Read more
