Policeman to Rosary Rally Goers: “Only Good Things Happening Today”

On July 2, concerned Catholics gathered for a rally in front of the Ohio State Capitol Building in Columbus to pray the rosary for America. The event was part of the “Mary, Mother of Mercy, Restore America” campaign organized by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP). The purpose of this campaign is to ask God to grant America a true return to order.
Policeman to Rosary Rally Goers: “Only Good Things Happening Today”This particular group of volunteers or “caravan” was privileged to be traveling with the miraculous International Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, which wept in New Orleans in 1972.  The historic statue presided over the Columbus rally escorted by four men.

Policeman to Rosary Rally Goers: “Only Good Things Happening Today”As the TFP volunteers set up for the event, they sensed the atmosphere of security and devastation. A heavy police presence marked this area that was filled with graffiti and boarded- up windows. In groups of two and three, armed officers patrolled the area and protected monuments.

Policeman to Rosary Rally Goers: “Only Good Things Happening Today”One group guarded a statue of the city’s namesake, Christopher Columbus. “There has been no trouble yet,” said one of them, hoping to keep it that way. A senior officer approached the rally and asked what was happening. “We are going to pray the rosary for a return to order,” he was informed. The officer grinned and exclaimed, “Good. Only good things happening today!”

Policeman to Rosary Rally Goers: “Only Good Things Happening Today”A TFP member offered a Saint Michael medal to a policeman. The officer pulled out his keychain, adding, “I have one already.  Here it is!”  Connected to a chain was a small handcuff key, a Miraculous Medal and now the Saint Michael’s medal.

Policeman to Rosary Rally Goers: “Only Good Things Happening Today”Despite the evidence of rioters, no one opposed the rally. Participants carried signs with “God Bless America” and messages against socialism on them. One Chinese-born lady, who is also a rosary rally captain and pro-life activist, was pleased to see the signs and took pictures of them. In light of the recent communist takeover of Hong Kong, she told the volunteers that the messages “are wonderful. I am a real Chinese person because I am against communism.”

A man named Chris, who serves in the Air Force, observed that the rosary rally is “more effective than what I do in the military.”

When the rosary ended, all came forward to say their final prayers and farewells. They especially venerated the International Pilgrim Virgin statue one last time. Grouping around, they received Fatima rosaries and holy cards from TFP volunteer, Rex Teodosio. Nodding in farewell, the police officers were visibly pleased with the peaceful and orderly nature of the rally.

“More than ever we need to see the ‘hope’ in others especially those who have been given the truth of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and for us to stand in the public square and profess that faith is a gift from God,” wrote Diane who attended the rally. “Our Lady gave us yesterday a gentle breeze to keep us going in the hot sun. She will always guide and protect us.”

“Before I left the Columbus State House, I gave all of the police officers Miraculous Medals and told them to keep them in their pockets for what is coming. I also placed Miraculous Medals around the State House and on top of the Christopher Columbus statue. Now Our Lady surrounds the Ohio Capital,” reported Diane.  “It will be Her Immaculate Conception that will dispel all the errors soon.”

Rosary Rallies for America


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