Prayer of the Miraculous Springs of Fatima

Prayer of the Miraculous Springs of Fatima
The miraculous springs found shortly after Our Lady appeared made it possible for enormous crowds of pilgrims to come to Fatima.

Prayer of the Miraculous Springs of Fatima O beloved Queen and exalted Lady of the Rosary of Fatima!

This miraculous source that you one day made spring forth next to the sacred oak tree is an ex- pressive symbol of your Maternal Heart mani- fested at Fatima as a sure pledge of peace and salvation for humanity.

Your Immaculate Heart, O Lady, is the source of life, for from it was born for us Jesus Christ, the One who is our way, truth and life.

You, most blessed Virgin, are an open fountain from which flow rivers of graces and bounties; a fountain always open for the just through the ra- diance of your charity; and for repentant sinners through the waters of your mercy and compassion.

You are that fountain mentioned in Genesis (2:6); for just as an abyss of many waters gave rise to other springs, so are you a fountain of many graces for all those who invoke you.

You also are, O benign Virgin, the sealed spring praised in the Song of Songs (4:12) where the most holy humanity of the Son of God was hidden for nine months.

You are that fountain of Siloam whose waters run silently and intermittently like your favors, ac- cording to your will. Hail Mary, fountain of grace, compassion and mercy; inexhaustible source of sweetness and clemency!

Make us hear those sweet words that your Son said one day: Come unto me, all ye that thirst; I am the fountain of living water welling up to eternal life.

Drive us away from the muddy waters of sin that plunge into the abyss and guide us to the wa- ters that slake and soothe, heal and resurrect.

And pour the pure and crystalline waters of your grace on the dry and barren soil of our hearts; cleanse the stains of our souls that we may be made worthy to continue this our pilgrimage and possess your beloved Son, the living and unfailing fountain of all good, for all eternity.

Allow us to proclaim, with your beloved servant Saint Methodius: Fons Propiciationis Filii Erga Genus Humanum: Fountain of Jesus Christ’s atonement for mankind, pray for us.


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