On December 7-16, Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza went on a TFP-sponsored speaking tour of American cities which included St. Louis, Missouri; New Orleans and Alexandria, Louisiana. He spoke on the importance of Catholic leadership in society and visited with Catholic and civic leaders. Prince Bertrand bears the title of Prince Imperial of Brazil, since he is the brother and heir to Prince Louis, the present Head of the Imperial House of Brazil. Both Prince Louis and Prince Bertrand are distinguished members of Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP).

Upon his arrival in St. Louis (which is named after Prince Bertrand’s direct ancestor, St. Louis IX of France) the prince was interviewed on a local Catholic radio program, WYRT’s The Pilgrim’s Path, where he spoke of the ideal Catholic society. On Saturday, December 8, he delivered a speech to 80 friends and supporters of the American TFP at a dinner hosted in his honor at the Norwood Hills Country Club.
The next day, Prince Bertrand spoke at the Pius XII Library of St. Louis University, where over 150 people attended a lecture titled “The Cross and the Crown,” co-sponsored by Friends of Vielles Maisons Françaises. His lecture drew attendees from as far away as Kansas City. In this speech, he described the symbolism of the cross atop the crowns of kings. This reminded all earthly monarchs that they are accountable to God, from where their authority comes.

Traditional, Aristocratic and Authentic Elites
This symbolism and even many good institutions of our days can be traced to medieval Christendom. During this period, hospitals and universities were founded and great Cathedrals and palaces built. People from diametrically opposite ends of the ideological spectrum have attested to the marvels of the Middle Ages, as exemplified by Leo XIII’s encyclical Immortale Dei and Das Kapital of Karl Marx which referred to that time as a “golden era of the proletariat.”
Prince Bertrand concluded by showing that the key to a truly Christian Civilization is the practice of virtue. Our Lord mandated the apostles, and through them all Catholics, to spread virtue, saying to them, “Going therefore, teach ye all nations” (Matt. 28:19). Through spreading this virtue, they worked towards fulfilling the words of the Our Father, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”

After leaving St. Louis, Prince Bertrand traveled to several Louisiana cities where he spoke to distinguished crowds and was guest of honor at a number of receptions. Among them was the Latin American Diplomatic Corp of New Orleans. Meeting in the St. Joan of Arc room of the city’s Plimsol Club, Prince Bertrand addressed the diplomats on the future of Latin America and pointed out its importance as a block of Catholic influence. They also discussed the threats of communism and Marxist guerilla movements presently looming over Latin America. At the close of the luncheon Prince Bertrand was presented with the key to the city of New Orleans on the mayor’s behalf.