Professor FIRED for Being Catholic

University of Illinois: Why is the truth being silenced in the very halls that cry “academic freedom”?
University of Illinois: Why is the truth
being silenced in the very halls that cry
“academic freedom”?

Shocking News: The University of Illinois fires professor for articulating Catholic moral teaching – Register your urgent protest here:

Your voice can make a HUGE difference in this case.

Please join TFP Student Action in urging the president of the University of Illinois to stop the persecution and reinstate Prof. Kenneth Howell who was recently fired – yes, dismissed – for simply repeating Catholic moral teaching on marriage and Natural Law.

Kenneth Howell
Prof. Kenneth Howell

Adjunct Prof. Kenneth Howell, a Catholic, explained to his students that homosexual vice violates Natural Law during a religion class “Introduction to Catholicism.”  However, one of his students accused him of committing a “hate crime.” Soon after he was fired from his teaching position.

Update on 07-19-10:  How Prof. Howell Was Dismissed for Teaching Catholic Doctrine

(Fox News has more details here)
Are we seeing the beginning of a new religious persecution?  A “diversity” dictatorship?  Why is the truth being silenced in the halls that cry “academic freedom”?

Please invite your friends to join this peaceful protest.  The easiest way to spread the word is to forward this post to your friends and family. (Non-Catholics can sign too.)

Many good students on campus are calling for Prof. Howell’s return.  You can help them defend moral values by signing and spreading this peaceful protest.
Related Updates:

An Update on Professor Howell
Letter and legal analysis by the Alliance Defense Fund

Contact information (Please be polite yet firm)

President of the University of Illinois:

Dr. Michael J. Hogan
Office of the President
364 Henry Administration Building, MC-346
506 S Wright Street
Urbana, IL 61801-3649
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. !- document.write( ” ); //–>

Chancellor and Provost (Interim) of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:

Dr. Robert A. Easter
Office of the Chancellor
317 Swanlund Administration Building, MC-304
601 E John Street
Champaign, IL 61820-5711
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. !- document.write( ” ); //–>

Head of the Department of Religion:

Professor Robert J. McKim
Department of Religion
3080 Foreign Languages Building, MC-166
707 S Mathews Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801-3643


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