The Miracle of the Sun: Only the Beginning

The Miracle of the Sun: Only the Beginning 1

“Look at the sun!” The shout echoed through the massive crowd. The multitudes looked up. Jaws dropped. From one moment to the next, the world changed. The sun itself fell from the sky. Men, women and children shouted and cried in terror. Hundreds dropped to their knees in the thick mud. The … Read more

Why the Fatima Chastisement and Triumph Await Us

Cubans Remember what Castro Did 1

This year we commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima, Portugal. The occasion is a time for reflection upon a world and Church in disarray. As a result, many sense that a dark future awaits us. The reason for this foreboding is that the message and requests … Read more

Making History, 20,000 Rosary Rallies Confirmed for Fatima Centennial

Making History, 20,000 Rosary Rallies Confirmed for Fatima Centennial

It’s official. Come October 14, American Catholics across the nation will be holding 20,000 public square rosary rallies to pray for solutions for America’s many problems. Volunteers recruiting captains to lead the rallies reached the 20,000 rally mark on September 25. Twenty thousand rally captains are now gearing up to lead their … Read more

Why the Fatima Centennial Is So Important

Why the Fatima Centennial Is So Important 4

""""[vc_column_text] 2017 marks the hundredth anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima from May 13th until October 13, 1917. Is this an important anniversary, and if so, why? Centennials are very important anniversaries. Churches, nations, organizations, individuals, all celebrate hundredth anniversaries with great importance. Medals are struck and ceremonies are performed to … Read more

14,000 Rosary Rallies Give Hope in a World Torn by Sin and Abortion

14,000 Rosary Rallies Give Hope in a World Torn by Sin and Abortion 1

With great faith and devotion, hundreds of thousands of Catholics gathered at over 14,108 different locations across the country on October 10 to pray the Rosary in public and beg God and the Blessed Mother to save America. Simultaneously at noon that Saturday, more than 14,000 Rosary Rally captains went into the … Read more