‘Return to Order’ Now Available in German

‘Return to Order’ Now Available in German
‘Return to Order’ Now Available in German

Robert Ritchie
(717) 309-1990
[email protected]


‘Return to Order’ Now Available in German

HANOVER, Penn. – The award-winning book Return to Order has been translated into German. Published by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), the translation of the work, which describes organic Christian Society, is now available in e-book format and available on Amazon’s German site with the title Rückkehr zur Ordnung: Von einer hektischen, getriebenen Wirtschaft zu einer organischen christlichen Gesellschaft—wo wir waren, wie wir in unsere heutige Lage gekommen sind – und wohin wir uns nun wenden sollten. This is the first foreign translation of the book written by author John Horvat II.

The decision to translate the work into German was prompted by interest in the German-speaking world. Although written in an American context, many people felt the principles found in Return to Order are entirely applicable to the challenge faced by Germany today.

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“The German translation of Return to Order marks a new phase in our outreach beyond American audiences,” says author John Horvat II. “Interest and requests from people in other countries awakens the hope that we might have several more translations in the near future.”

There are already many American editions of Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go. Circulation of hardcover, softcover, workbook, audiobook, and e-book formats of the book have just reached the 300,000 copy mark. In addition, the book has received endorsements from leading academic, political and religious leaders.

‘Return to Order’ Now Available in German
Return to Order Now Available in German on Kindle by Amazon.
Rückkehr zur Ordnung: Von einer hektischen, getriebenen Wirtschaft zu einer organischen christlichen Gesellschaft—wo wir waren, wie wir in unsere heutige Lage gekommen sind – und wohin wir uns nun wenden sollten.

Purchase the German Kindle Edition of ‘Return to Order’ Here

Several prominent German figures and thinkers have already commented on the timeliness of the book beyond the American context.

Return to Order touches on matters that apply not only to America but everywhere,” writes the German-born Duke Paul of Oldenberg, director of the Brussels Office of Federation Oro Europa Christiana. “I hope this book gets wide circulation and recommend it to all those who want real answers to vital questions.”FREE e-Book, A Spanish Mystic in Quito: Sor Mariana de Jesus Torres

FREE e-Book: A Spanish Mystic in Quito

“Anyone who considers the ongoing public debate as superficial—indeed most reform proposals merely want to cure the symptoms, yet do not address the underlying cause—should study Mr. Horvat’s Return to Order,” writes Austria-based economist Gregor Hochreiter.

Return to Order is the fruit of over twenty years of research and observation. Horvat draws from abundant sources and the social teachings of the Catholic Church to craft a message that seamlessly makes the connections between the economy, faith and moral values.

“While written for an American audience, I feel the topics discussed in Return to Order apply to Germany,” Mr. Horvat commented. “German friends tell me that the same problems are happening in their countries.”

John Horvat, who is also vice president of The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), has dedicated a lot of time and efforted into spreading his message by speaking to groups across the country. He has presented his book to audiences in more than 100 cities in America, Europe and South America. He has given over 450 media interviews since Return to Order was first released in 2013. Horvat has also published hundreds of articles and op-eds that have appeared worldwide, including in The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Post, The Washington Times, Crisis Magazine, C-SPAN, American Thinker, The Stream and TheBlaze.com.

Free copies of the book Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go are available in many formats at www.returntoorder.org. To celebrate the 300,000 mark, the author has made the English Kindle version of the book permanently free.

To get your free copy online or for more information on Return to Order, go to www.returntoorder.org. To request a speaking engagement or an interview with Author John Horvat II, please call 717-309-7147 or send an e-mail to [email protected].


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