The free speech area at California State University’s San Bernardino campus is near the library, a modern structure made of concrete, metal and glass that resembles a prison rather than a center of higher learning.
“I think I know your group,” said one student, “I’ve been to your web site and downloaded a copy of Revolution and Counter-Revolution,” by Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira, the founder of the first TFP.
It was great to meet a number of TFP friends again, this time on their campus — students who have joined us for the March for Life in Washington, D.C. and other events.
Most Obscene Language
Shortly after the campaign began, a woman covered with body piercings and a leopard skin tattoo on her left arm, immediately started screaming in the most obscene language imaginable. Every second word out of her mouth was a curse word. Throughout the day, other pro-homosexual advocates who stopped to debate used similar vocabulary. When I asked one of the students to please refrain from using such vile language, he gave me a puzzled look. “That’s the way I always talk,” he said. In other words, he had difficulty expressing himself in plain English.
“I agree with you, but I’m not sure about your emphatic approach,” said a woman. “Our approach has been very successful,” explained Mr. Cesar Franco. Just then, the student with the leopard skin tattoo picked up again, cursing and swearing. “I can’t believe she is doing that,” said the lady now persuaded that our approach was effective. “They are the ones who want everyone to accept their opinion; however, they refuse to accept any opinion that’s not theirs. I totally support you. Thank you!”
Three people on separate occasions approached Mr. Kenneth Murphy and told him how shocked they were by the amount of insults and foul language employed by pro-homosexual advocates. “If they want to debate, they need to stand on logical ground,” said one.
“I am here to back you all up because I believe that if same-sex ‘marriage’ is put through by the state, we will have to pay for it as a nation,” remarked a student. “We can’t pay for people’s personal actions; however, if the state supports or endorses unnatural vice, we will be accountable to God as a nation.”
Delighted with the TFP campaign, one student said: “I am 100% for you guys. We need to get rid of same-sex marriage in California.”
Another asked: “How can I volunteer for your organization? I want to help you.”
Seeing the intense debates, a student said: “I think you fellows are very brave. I can’t think of anyone else who has the guts to do what you are doing right now.”
Debate Ends With Apology
A fight nearly broke out when a pro-homosexual student who spent at least an hour debating got off topic and mentioned the war in Iraq. “What does that have to do with the topic of traditional marriage?” said a soldier listening to the debate. “I have buddies fighting there. I’m not against gays, but stay on topic!” The belligerent pro-homosexual student put his nose a few inches away from the soldier’s face and let loose with a loud string of obscenities.
Somehow we managed to pacify the situation and the debate continued. “If you want to have a civil discussion, fine. But stop shouting and cut out the profanity,” I said to the pro-homosexual student. At the end, the pro-homosexual apologized: “I am sorry for my language and I hope you don’t find any other jerk like me on campus to give you a hard time.”
The soldier who was neutral at first said: “Now I understand where you are coming from. I agree with you. If they (pro-homosexual students) do anything against you, let me know. Call me. I will defend you.”
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How to Support the Caravan
If you wish to support this vital endeavor with a gift, please click below.
If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to TFP Student Action and mail it to:
TFP Student Action
1358 Jefferson Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362
We’ve already traveled over 3,000 miles for traditional marriage and it takes some $107.00 to fill our van’s gas tank. Thank you for considering a gift to this cause. God bless you!