Stop the Madness!

Stop the Madness!
While waiting at the airport for a recent flight, I observed a bright-eyed little girl who came running over into the gate area. She was full of the exuberance you would expect from a six or seven-year-old. Rushing over to the window, she gazed in amazement as the planes took off and landed.

I could not suppress a smile as I saw her bright eyes and cheerful face. However, my smile faded as two women came over to grab her hand and lead her back to the seating area. Both women were wearing wedding rings and there were visible signs to show that they were neither friends nor sisters, but rather a homosexual “couple.”

I began to reflect on what I saw and was forced to the conclusion that this little girl is one of the many victims today whose life and future are being sacrificed, or at least jeopardized, on the altar of political correctness.

I am not saying that she was visibly mistreated. Her guardians were treating her well and she was responding with the love you would expect from a young girl towards a parental figure. Nevertheless, the facts are that this beautiful girl will grow up without the types of support and strength that only a father can provide.

It may be that she will go through life without experiencing abuse. She may never see her guardians act inappropriately in her presence. They may not be substance abusers, partake in domestic violence, engage in promiscuous behavior or contract infectious diseases, but the odds are certainty not in her favor.

Statistics show the average homosexual relationship lasts only a year and a half and the average couple has eight partners a year in addition to the “stable” one.

Concerning diseases, homosexual behavior is risky at best. It is reported that one in seven men involved in it are HIV positive and they are 100 times more likely to contract syphilis.

Also, life at home in these relationships is often far from idyllic. Numerous authors have noted a large increase of domestic violence among same-sex “couples.” Furthermore, Thomas Schmitd, in his book Straight and Narrow? Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexual Debate, points out a large increase in substance abuse among homosexuals. He wrote:

“A Boston study found that, for the years 1985-1988, 80 percent of 481 homosexual men had used marijuana…60 percent cocaine, 30 percent amphetamines and 20 percent LSD. A 1988-1989 Canadian study found that…of 612 male homosexual subjects…45.6 percent [regularly used] at least one drug. A national study of 1,924 female homosexuals conducted in 1984 found that…47 percent smoked marijuana…”1

Perhaps even more revealing is the fact that male homosexuals are nearly 14 times more likely to commit suicide.2

However, on a higher level, these statistics are beside the point. There are more important reasons why homosexual “couples” should not raise children. The unnatural homosexual lifestyle necessarily deprives a child of important elements to properly understand God and forge a relationship with Him and others.

God created men and women to be complimentary. Individually, neither sex can represent the Creator sufficiently. While a father lacks the degree of love and tenderness that a mother provides, a mother lacks that strength and discipline that only a father can give. This is why when we are beaten down by life’s storms, we tend to seek comfort from our mothers and when we need to solve a difficult problem that will require us to take a firm position, we look for the support and advice of our fathers.

God makes up for these missing elements in men and women, by ordaining that both are necessary for procreation.

Furthermore, the union of father and mother give a much fuller understanding of God, Who personifies the qualities of both sexes. Since our parents are the first and most important image of God that we experience, a child growing up without a father or a mother will face an uphill battle in forging his notion of God.

Last, in forging the marriage bond, the mother and father must give of themselves to provide what the other lacks and work through the conflicts that necessarily arise from their differences. Nevertheless, they form such a complete bond, that in the words of God, Himself, “the two become one flesh.” These elements teach the child realities of human relationships that are indispensable to life, but absent in homosexual “couples.”

That is why I oppose homosexual “couples” raising children. I oppose it because I am a Catholic. I oppose it from the perspective of logic and natural law. However, the beautiful little girl I saw at the gate in the airport strengthened the emotional aspect of my rejection.

We must face it. Homosexual child rearing is madness and we must stop the madness. If we are hesitant to resist it for the sake of logic, we should resist it for the sake of the children.


  1. Thomas E. Schmidt, Straight & Narrow? Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1995), p. 111.
  2. Cf. TFP Committee on American Issues, Defending a Higher Law, Why We Must Resist Same-sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement (Spring Grove, Penn.: The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property – TFP, 2004), Chapter 13, p. 115.

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