All across the nation, nearly 500 groups, families or individuals prayed a Holy Hour of Reparation before the Blessed Sacrament. The effort was in response to a sacrilegious scandal at Most Holy Redeemer Parish in San Francisco when two transvestites dressed as nuns, received Holy Communion from the local Archbishop’s hands.
The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) asked members and supporters to join together on Friday, November 16, 2007 for a Holy Hour of Reparation. Thousands of Catholics responded to the appeal to storm heaven with prayers asking for forgiveness.
Taking Sacrilege Seriously
Given a culture of ever increasing blasphemy and sacrilege, it is easy to become numbed to the seriousness of such offenses. One cannot dismiss an incident as “just another blasphemy.” One cannot simply “ignore” it so as not to call attention to the problem. Such a trivial view of religion only makes the sacrilege worse.
Quite to the contrary, the Church has always encouraged the faithful to pray in reparation for the outrages which the Creator so constantly suffers at the hands of His creatures. Our Lady at Fatima also made an urgent plea for reparation. Reparation is an act of love for God who is so cruelly offended.
Participants in the reparation took their task seriously. Many offered to pray for more hours or to offer the sufferings of the whole day. One person was to have open heart surgery and offered up her suffering for this intention.
“We need almost an endless number of Holy Hours in these times,” remarked one adorer.
Beyond America
The idea of sacrilege goes beyond national borders. An offense against Our Lord is an offense anywhere. Thus, participants also prayed in England, Ireland, Brazil, Peru and Canada.
One participant happened to be in Peking, China and another in Iraq. “We can’t be apathetic in face of such blasphemies,” commented one Brazilian. “Although I’m not American, you may count on our family of six to pray the rosary.”
Joy in reparation
Participants registered not only with seriousness but with great enthusiasm and love. They felt it was “an honor and privilege to be part of this prayer.”
“I will be with several students at that time and we will go to church together,” said one mother.
“This hour of reparation is very necessary!” remarked another participant. “Beautiful idea – we need more efforts like this. I will pray hard for God’s forgiveness,” wrote yet another.
“God bless you for understanding what it means to be a Catholic!” remarked one student.
“I am so glad there is something positive we can do to offer prayers for reparation for this offense to the Blessed Sacrament,” commented one activist.
The Holy Hour of Reparation follows in the footsteps of the over 2,000 Public Square Rosary Rallies that were held nationwide on the 90th anniversary of the last apparition of Our Lady at Fatima. One comment by a participant seemed to sum up succinctly the idea of the Holy Hour: “May our Precious Lord be consoled by our prayers!”