A Challenge to Our Lady of Fatima

A Challenge to Our Lady of Fatima 5

The Portuguese parliament’s approval of same-sex “marriage” on January 8 is shocking for many reasons. A Challenge to Our Lady of Fatima First, the fact itself legalizes a practice aberrant to nature and also discredits marriage. Then, this law was passed in the land of Our Lady of Fatima, as if defying … Read more

With Our Lady on Fifth Avenue

In looking for a place for a Public Square Rosary Rally, it is hard to find a more public place than Fifth Avenue. Every hour, tens of thousands of people walk up and down this most famous street as they go about their affairs. Tourists from all over the world fill the … Read more

The True Role of Guardian Angels

The True Role of Guardian Angels 3

While the role of Guardian Angels is to guard men, institutions, cities and nations, we often have a distorted image of the functions of these angels. Many see them as beings that are good just to obtain advantages for us. However, this is not their only role. They exist above all to … Read more

“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”

“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them” 1

Apostles of the Fatima message rarely see the fruits of their labor in this life. I found this out firsthand during a visit to Augusta, Georgia. During the coffee break following Mass, the parish priest asked us to say a word about our work. After explaining our home visits with the statue … Read more

An Invitation to Pray for the Nation at a Public Square Rosary

An Invitation to Pray for the Nation at a Public Square Rosary

On October 12, tens of thousands of Catholics will take to the public square in 10,000 locations nationwide to pray for the nation in these troubled times.The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign are inviting the public to join these Public … Read more

Beyond The Digital Divide

A huge geo-social gorge has suddenly appeared on the nation’s political landscape, and nearly everyone is talking about it. This strange chasm unites politicians of all parties into demanding immediate action. Educators, too, have placed it high on their agenda. What is this yawning gash that must be bridged at all cost? … Read more

“Icon of the Heavenly Jerusalem”

“Icon of the Heavenly Jerusalem” 2

Priests, Architects, members of liturgical councils and parishioners gathered in Mundelein, Illinois to discuss how a Church will look in 2010. What most people want is beauty! Building a Domus Dei “I was in awe. In every direction I looked, I saw images that reminded me that I was standing at the … Read more

Looking Upon a Nation Divided

Looking Upon a Nation Divided 2

No one questions the fact that America is now a nation divided. The 2004 elections served only to highlight a polarization that has been long in the making. What surprised many was the primary cause of this division. It was not wars, Medicare benefits or matters of self-interest that galvanized the country. … Read more