Storming Heaven in Reparation

All across the nation, nearly 500 groups, families or individuals prayed a Holy Hour of Reparation before the Blessed Sacrament. The effort was in response to a sacrilegious scandal at Most Holy Redeemer Parish in San Francisco when two transvestites dressed as nuns, received Holy Communion from the local Archbishop’s hands. The … Read more

The Santa Fe Chill

The Santa Fe Chill

Contrary to what many artists claim, protesting against offensive art is never free publicity. Few things hurt the arts community more than when it produces works that lose touch with its supporting community. This is especially evident in the wave of artworks which many consider blasphemous. Nothing attacks the sensibilities of a … Read more

How to Say No to Gun Control

How to Say No to Gun Control 1

Polls show you are losing a coming plebiscite vote favoring gun control by a margin of three to one. The major networks are against you. The federal government is against you. Members of the clergy are against you. You do not have any funding or press. You have nine months ahead of … Read more

Why We Must Defend Old Glory

Why We Must Defend Old Glory 2

Throughout our history, our flag has always played a key role. Our fondness for this national symbol cannot be dismissed as mere sentimental attachment. Rather, the flag somehow calls upon us to look beyond our individual concerns and grasp the reality of the invisible bonds that link us together as a people. … Read more


Heroism 1

American soldiers face the prospect of serious injury and death with unflinching courage. Their existence within a nation dominated by a self centered “me culture” is yet another paradox which can be found “only in America.” When Todd Beamer boarded Flight 93 on September 11, he never dreamed that terrorists intended to … Read more

Defending a Higher Law Goes Nationwide

Defending a Higher Law Goes Nationwide 2

As part of its Traditional Marriage Crusade, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) is holding promotional talks and signings for it s new book against same-sex “marriage.” In the first week after its publication, the book has been promoted at events in St. Louis, Miami and … Read more

Neither Normal Nor Natural

Neither Normal Nor Natural 1

Crusade Magazine: Dr. Nicolosi, would you please describe for our readers NARTH’s primary focus? Dr. Joseph Nicolosi: NARTH is the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. Basically, our position is that homosexuality is neither normal nor natural. Rather, it is a developmental disorder that constitutes a treatable condition. Crusade: What … Read more

Are We Still “One Nation Under God”?

The American TFP 10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Harmful - Free online version

Are We Still “One Nation Under God”? The Supreme Court’s decision in Lawrence v. Texas is America’s “moral 9/11”   On June 26, 2003, the Supreme Court granted constitutional protection to sodomy. In holding that a Texas law classifying sodomy as a misdemeanor violated the liberty protected under the Due Process Clause … Read more

Just War and the Pacifist Offensive on Sovereignty

The nation’s attention is rightly focused on the war in Iraq, where American and allied armed forces are bravely engaged in battle. At the same time, however, America is locked in a second war, one that is equally important for victory: the psychological battle for public opinion. Both are difficult. Both are … Read more

American TFP Supports US Efforts in Iraq

American TFP Supports US Efforts in Iraq 2

The Honorable George W. Bush President of the United States of America The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: I am writing to express the American TFP’s full support for our Armed Forces which you, as Commander-in-Chief, have sent into combat against the Saddam Hussein regime … Read more