The Brazilian 2002 Elections: A Stacked Deck?

The Brazilian 2002 Elections: A Stacked Deck? 2

While our own congressional elections are so very important, another set of elections must not be ignored. On October 6, Brazil will hold its presidential elections. It is not just another election since the results could well determine the course of the entire continent. We need to pay attention. Brazil is, after … Read more

Soldiers Are Not Terrorists!

Soldiers Are Not Terrorists!

The following letters were sent to President George W. Bush and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.   The Honorable George W. Bush President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: On behalf of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family … Read more

Attack on America: A Psywar Against Order

This Is the America I Celebrate on July 4th 2

  Attack on America A Psywar Against Order   We are faced with the nation’s first postmodern war. It is a war of networks against nations, begun with irrational acts that defy the rational imagination. It is a holy war where one side is secular, and a struggle for democracy involving a … Read more

TFP Analyzes: A Psywar Against Order

TFP Analyzes: A Psywar Against Order 1

We are faced with the nation’s first postmodern war It is a war of networks against nations, begun with irrational acts that defy the rational imagination. It is a holy war where one side is secular, and a struggle for democracy involving a deposed king and local warlords. We seek phantom leaders … Read more

American TFP Supports Flag-Protection Amendment

American TFP Supports Flag-Protection Amendment 1

Ever since the Supreme Court defined flag burning as “free speech” in 1989, Americans across the nation have vehemently protested this offense against the honor of the nation. As a flag-protection amendment comes to a vote once again, the American TFP adds its voice to those who protest against this strange “right” … Read more

Revolution and Counter-Revolution

Revolution and Counter-Revolution

Originally published as Revolução e Contra-Revolução, in Catolicismo, April 1959 (Parts I and II) and January 1977 (Part III) First Digital Edition Copyright © 2000 The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP).  All rights reserved. First printed English edition 1974. Second printed English edition 1980. Third printed English … Read more

On the Verge of a Public Blasphemy!

The American TFP 10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Harmful - Free online version

ON THE VERGE OF A PUBLIC BLASPHEMY!   The American TFP Launches a Fervent Appeal — An Open Letter to Universal Pictures Concerning the Film The Last Temptation of Christ   To: Universal Pictures Gentlemen: FOR SOME TIME NOW, reports have circulated about the production of the film, The Last Temptation of … Read more

What Exactly Is an Anti-Communist?

What Exactly Is an Anti-Communist? 1

What exactly is an anti-communist? This is a question which appears to be so simple of resolution as to border on being foolish. However, there are different ways in which it may be answered. If we consider only the two most common responses to it being given nowadays, we should see that … Read more