Three Ways to Stop the DACA Nightmare

Three Ways to Stop the DACA Nightmare

The “dreamer” debate is raging as the nation contemplates what to do with the 800,000 young people who came to America illegally as children alone or with parents or relatives. Of course, this debate was foreseen. The Obama administration broke the immigration rules with its Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, … Read more

How Judges Become Tyrants

How Judges Become Tyrants

Among the three branches of American government, there is supposed to be a system of checks and balances to curb any abuse of power. That is at least the theory. In practice, the judicial branch is now engaged in a campaign of checks without balances or precedent. Judges are becoming tyrants without … Read more

Three Reasons Why Bitcoin Is Not Money

Three Reasons Why Bitcoin Is Not Money

With the dramatic rise of bitcoin, many are talking about this crypto-currency as the new money of the future. Such a simplification is understandable, since the matter of money is complex. Not all that glitters is gold. Likewise, what appears to be money often is not. Bitcoin does nothing to clarify the … Read more

The Real Issues Underlying the Dreamer Debate

The Real Issues Underlying the Dreamer Debate

The problem with the “dreamer” debate is that it has little to do with children or their dreams. Most of the “dreamer children” are now adults. On average, the 800,000 recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program who entered America illegally as minors—alone, or brought by parents or relatives—are … Read more

The Sexual Harassment Crisis: Is It a Theological Problem?

The Sexual Harassment Crisis: Is It a Theological Problem?

The rash of sexual harassment scandals is sweeping the nation to the point that it seems almost no male is exempt from its terrible fury. Anyone can be denounced by the media. Liberals point to “toxic masculinity” and social structures that must be overthrown. Feminists blame the remnants of patriarchy that manage … Read more

How America Became the ‘Pressure Cooker’ Nation

How America Became the ‘Pressure Cooker’ Nation

If there is an image that represents the present state of the nation, it might be a pressure cooker. Such cooking devices are not much used in these microwave days of instant everything. The hermetically sealed appliance uses steam pressure to penetrate foods and cook them quickly with a lower loss of … Read more

‘C-Ville’: Statue Toppling and the End of History

‘C-Ville’: Statue Toppling and the End of History

Everyone is familiar with the tragedy at C-ville in Virginia. Protesters against the removal of statues of Confederate figures clashed with counter-protesters — resulting in one death. The media have turned the event into a watershed for change. Indeed, the tragedy at C-ville has been a catalyst for many cities to remove … Read more

The Clash of the Hurricane Movements

The Clash of the Hurricane Movements

  What is needed in American today are not “hurricane men,” but calm representative figures spread throughout society, who by their example and integrity can lead a nation through the storm and accomplish great things…   We have reached a point in our nation’s history where the debate is becoming ever more … Read more