The Growing Tyranny of the Culture-killers

The Growing Tyranny of the Culture-killers 1

The controversy around Confederate statue removal rages. Revisionists are on the rampage with all the fury of communist mobs that want no memory of a past culture to remain. They are involved in a cultural cleansing of heroes, legends, and symbols that threatens to fragment yet more a divided nation. The wrath … Read more

Where Are America’s Habits of the Heart?

Where Are America’s Habits of the Heart?

The present state of chaos is puzzling, especially for conservatives. Everything would seem to be in place for success. So much favors the conservative cause. Conservatives have plenty of political power since the powers of government are in their hands. The victory in November went beyond Washington and extended to all levels … Read more

Why Can’t Americans Enjoy Life?

Why Can’t Americans Enjoy Life? 1

Modern American society promises to make life so much easier. No longer do most people have to labor long and hard to make ends meet. Americans should have plenty of time to enjoy their leisure. But many don’t take this time. They have a problem with leisure. According to a report commissioned by Project: Time … Read more

This Is the America I Celebrate on July 4th

This Is the America I Celebrate on July 4th 1

Looking at the state of the nation, I wonder which America we are celebrating this July 4th. The nation is clearly divided, and thus many Americas appear. Not all are to be celebrated. This year has been particularly marked by disunity and vitriol. One image that particularly stands out in my mind is … Read more

Three Reasons Not to Watch Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Show

Three Reasons Not to Watch Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Show

The Super Bowl is the most-watched television show in the country. As the premier sports event viewed by tens of millions of Americans, it should reflect the nation and its values. That is not what is happening this year. In fact, for some years now, the organizers of the event have featured … Read more

Always Too Little, Too Late: The Plight of Modern Education

Always Too Little, Too Late: The Plight of Modern Education 1

The real education of the child begins very early in the child’s development. New research is finding that firm foundations set early are the best guarantee that children will experience success later in life. Liberal educators really do not want to hear such truths. They would prefer to parrot over and over … Read more

The Symbolic Death of a Symbolic Movement

The Symbolic Death of a Symbolic Movement 2

The political left has always preferred to wage its battles in the terms and the imagery of symbols. Whether they be an image such as a Che Gueverra T-shirt, a slogan such as “the 99%,” an action such as Greenpeace photo-op stunt on a coal power plant, or a flesh and blood … Read more

What Can We Expect for 2017?

What Can We Expect for 2017? 7

As we enter 2017, many people are still recovering from the stress and drama of 2016. From a political, social and religious standpoint, 2016 was a year of unexpected and unimaginable turmoil. The year brought us to the edge of a tall cliff. Equally traumatic and unexpected were the last-minute rescues from … Read more

Why It Will Take More Than Jobs to Get America Working Again

Why It Will Take More Than Jobs to Get America Working Again 4

Now that the elections are over, there is much talk of trade and jobs. Predictably, the highest priorities are being given to negotiating new trade arrangements and tax policies that will bring back jobs to America. It is true that businesses in America are overtaxed and overregulated. Anything that can be done … Read more