“Free Kim Davis Rally” Draws a Thousand Supporters

“Free Kim Davis Rally” Draws a Thousand Supporters 4

""""[vc_column_text]On September 5th, members of The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joined nearly a thousand protesters at the “Free Kim Davis Rally” outside the Carter County Detention Center in Grayson, Kentucky. The huge throng of local supporters dashed any hopes of making Mrs. Davis’ case an … Read more

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Mr. Mathias von Gersdorff is a director of the German Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). He also directs the campaigns Children in Danger, which deals with the effects of pornography and media upon children, and SOS Life that deals with pro-life issues, both special campaigns of the … Read more

Why We Need Beauty in Our Lives

Why We Need Beauty in Our Lives

God created beauty for the life of the soul. It has no corporal usefulness. It does not satisfy hunger, shelter us from a storm or provide warmth. For the life of the body, it is perfectly useless. However, beauty is more useful than food, shelter and warmth. This is because beauty is … Read more

Radical Environmentalists Demand Compensation: You Pay

Radical Environmentalists Demand Compensation: You Pay

With the close of the Bonn climate change conference, radical environmentalists seem unfazed by the failure of their agenda to redistribute global wealth. However, that has not stopped them from demanding your money to pay for anything they deem caused by anthropogenic (man-made) climate change. They insist upon de-carbonizing the global economy … Read more

Thousands Across the U.S. Join the Crusade for Traditional Marriage

Thousands Across the U.S. Join the Crusade for Traditional Marriage 2

HANOVER, PA (March 19, 2015) America Needs Fatima, a campaign of The American TFP, has organized over two thousand public square traditional marriage rallies across the nation for this Saturday, March 21, the day closest to Saint Joseph’s feast day. Last year, the beginning year for the traditional marriage rallies under the … Read more

What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration?

What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration?

In looking at the debate over immigration, it is almost automatically assumed that the Church’s position is one of unconditional charity toward those who enter the nation, legally or illegally. However, is this the case? What does the Bible say about immigration? What do Church doctors and theologians say? Above all, what … Read more

An Invitation to Pray for the Nation at a Public Square Rosary

An Invitation to Pray for the Nation at a Public Square Rosary 2

On October 12, tens of thousands of Catholics will take to the public square in 10,000 locations nationwide to pray for our nation in these troubled times. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign are inviting the public to join these … Read more