Let Us Fight for You

Let Us Fight for You 1

The Moral Imperative of a Masculine Infantry “
exposure to danger is not combat. Combat is a lot more than that, it’s a lot more than getting shot at or even getting killed by being shot at. Combat is finding and closing with and killing or capturing the enemy if you’re down in … Read more

The Concept of Universals

The Concept of Universals 2

We should seek the universality of things and not just limit ourselves to the immediate thing at hand. If we do not form an idea of the entirety of something, of its universality coupled with all its hierarchical values, we will not be able to insert what we know into any broader … Read more

Getting Off the “Sequester” Roller Coaster

Getting Off the “Sequester” Roller Coaster 2

When I think of the debate around the “sequester,” I think of an amusement park. I know that this is no laughing matter, but there’s something so incredibly unreal about the situation that an amusement park is what comes into mind. This comes from observing how things like quantitative easing, derivative instruments … Read more

What’s the Point of Ball-Point Pens?

What’s the Point of Ball-Point Pens? 2

As the left shrieks for stricter gun control, Colorado’s Democrat-controlled House passed a statewide ban on concealed-carry weapons on college campuses along with several other radical gun-control measures. They also managed to disparage conceal-carry supporters and female students who prefer not to depend on the government for protection. Colorado Senator Jessie Ulibarri … Read more

Declining Fertility Rates and Robot Babies

Declining Fertility Rates and Robot Babies 2

With the world population growth slowing, some countries are staring at the grim prospects of the unbalanced demographics in the workforce and the dire economic consequences this will cause. As a result, some curious efforts to bolster diminishing birth rates have surfaced, not least of which is the invention and promotion of … Read more

It Takes an Organic Christian Society

It Takes an Organic Christian Society 2

For a better notion of what we mean by organic society, let’s put it this way: Hillary Clinton wrote a book called It Takes a Village, which develops the idea that it takes a whole village to raise a child. We would certainly disagree with her because she interpreted “village” to mean … Read more

The Problem of Hollow Elites

The Problem of Hollow Elites 2

There are those who normally play a leadership role in society by representing the community. Such representative characters are those leaders who perceive the ideals, principles, and qualities that are desired and admired by a community or nation, and translate them into concrete programs of life and culture. Their importance cannot be … Read more

What Happened on Election Day

What Happened on Election Day 2

Usually we go to polls to decide which of the two parties will best represent us as a nation. However, on this Election Day, it was as if two nations battled it out and we decided on which one would rule over the other. This is something that has been building up … Read more

Women in Combat

Women in Combat 1

During the 1968 Tet Offensive, then Captain Gordon Batcheller earned the Navy Cross when his unit, Company A, 1st Battalion Marines, engaged a numerically superior force of the North Vietnamese Army. Although injured by shrapnel, he aggressively led his men in a fierce assault against the enemy and was seriously wounded in … Read more

Playing Games with Our Wars and War with Our Games

Playing Games with Our Wars and War with Our Games 4

The object of war is very simple: victory. The combatants engage in a very physical struggle to resolve a crisis that generally has failed by other more diplomatic means. It is a battle where the stakes are high and the life or death of men and the future of nations is in … Read more