On June 19, a group of young volunteers of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) started its trek across the country in Indiana. This group was one of many TFP “caravans” that will be visiting all 50 state capitals holding rosary rallies. The purpose is to ask God, through the intercession of His Blessed Mother, to give to intervene in the crisis in America.
This caravan is specially blessed with the presence of a miraculous statue. The International Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be presiding over every rally. This statue wept in New Orleans in 1972 and has traveled the globe to spread the Fatima message.
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The pilgrim statue’s custodian Patrick Sabat has traveled with Our Lady for many years, and he attests that “she goes where she wants.” He has seen the schedule change inexplicably, resulting in many conversions of people who were waiting for her. “I do not take her,” he likes to say. “She takes me.”
It was apparent that Our Lady wants to be at these rallies where she can do so much good. The inaugurating rally of this caravan began with the raising of the TFP standard in Indianapolis. As people started to filter into the rally, the statue of Our Lady came in procession to the sound of the Gregorian chant hymn of “Ave Maria.” She was crowned by one of the ladies present.
As the Indianapolis streets reverberated with prayers and Marian hymns, a grace of calm descended over the rally. How consoling it must be to Our Lord and Our Lady to see faithful children manifesting their love for them on the public square before the State Capitol Building of Indiana!
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The rally ended on a jubilant note with all gathering around for a photo. “Groups like this give me so much peace and happiness,” said one participating lady. Indeed, there was a joyful peace that came from the maternal gaze of Our Lady. May Our Lady hear the humble supplication of those present: Mary, Mother of Mercy, Restore America.