TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4

TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4
TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4

On Sunday, October 20, two vanloads of young men with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property launched a tour across the state of Florida to defend the unborn against the radical pro-abortion Amendment 4 that will be voted on in this general election.

Radical Abortion Amendment

The radical Amendment 4 measure wants to open up the “right” to abortion and eliminate all restrictions. The amendment states: “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”

Pro-life Floridians have four major concerns with the amendment: Minors will have full access to abortion without parental consent. Abortion restrictions will be abolished. No definition of “viability” is provided, allowing abortionists to interpret it according to their nefarious whims, thus allowing abortion up to birth.

“Vote No on 4” Gets Lots of Honks

TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4
TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4

TFP volunteers kicked off the road trip with a campaign at a prominent intersection in The Villages. They displayed signs encouraging passing cars to “Honk Against Abortion” and “Vote No on 4”. Drivers expressed overwhelming support with lots of honks and thumbs-up. One lady honked and held up a Rosary, indicating her support and prayers.

The following day, the caravan moved to Plantation, a suburb of Miami, where they campaigned on two different busy streets and received a constant barrage of honks and hand waving from passing cars.

TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4

TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4

TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4

At Florida International University

TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4
Florida International University

At noon, the caravan reached Florida International University in Miami-Dade County. The young volunteers divided the waters as soon as they unfurled their banner: “Abortion is a Sin. Vote No On 4.”

Reactions were positive as TFP members handed out leaflets about Amendment 4 and engaged in discussions with students. “I already voted ‘no’ on Amendment 4,” said one student. Many others announced they intended to vote ‘no’ as well.

A Catholic student with campus ministry said he had just returned from a trip promoting the ‘no’ vote on Amendment 4 and was overjoyed to see the TFP pro-life campaign on his campus.

Other students were shocked to learn how radical the abortion amendment is. One man said he’d seen an ad promoting the bill, and it didn’t “seem that bad.” However, when he heard how easy it would be to get an abortion, especially for minors, he changed his mind. This reaction underscores the importance of the TFP campaign in educating the public about the true implications of Amendment 4.

TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4

Another young man came up and expressed his horror about the abortion procedure that he had just read about. “I don’t even want to describe the procedure because it is so gruesome.”

A few pro-abortion students declared that they voted ‘yes’. Several ripped up the flyer or cursed.

“Thou shalt not kill”

A student with a rainbow flag in his backpack said:

TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4

“You know God loves abortion, right?”

TFP member: “Do you know what the 5th Commandment is? Thou shalt not kill.”

“That’s what your God says, but many people have their own ideas of god.”

TFP: “Does your god think it is alright to kill innocent people?”

“Sometimes, yes!”

As it started to rain, students fled for shelter, but TFP volunteers remained at their posts. Their steadfastness in adversity prompted one man to comment: “They are medieval.”

TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4
As it started to rain, students fled for shelter, but TFP volunteers remained at their posts.

Whether in pouring rain or blazing sunshine, the young men of this TFP caravan will continue their unwavering crusade to protect the innocent unborn from the horrors of abortion. Their determination is a source of inspiration for all who share their cause.

Your prayers are appreciated as the pro-life crusade continues in cities across Florida to make abortion unthinkable.

TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4
TFP Launches Pro-Life Crusade in Florida: Vote ‘No’ to Abortion Amendment 4

Paid political advertisement. Paid for by the American TFP, 1358 Jefferson Rd., Spring Grove, PA 17362

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