Long Live the Sacred Cross: Long Live Suffering!

Long Live the Sacred Cross: Long Live Suffering! Christ, the Child Jesus on the Cross appears to Saint Lydwine on her deathbed

  “Long live the sacred cross: long live suffering!” How foreign these words of Saint Veronica Giulani are to our modern ears. Tell-tale examples like widespread abortion and drug use are unnecessary to see that contemporary society will do anything to avoid suffering. However, in turning its back on suffering, it has … Read more

Exposing Bias

Exposing Bias

The truth is refreshing. This is much more so in our day and age when it has become fashionable to distort and hide it, or even deny that it exists. Thus, when someone claims to “lay it on the line” and “tell it the way it is,” he invariably draws a following. … Read more

The Great Siege: Malta 1565

The Great Siege: Malta 1565 3

The year is 1565. Soleyman the Great, the Ottoman Turk’s greatest leader orders an advance on Malta in an attempt to finish once and for all with the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem (Hospitallers), his greatest enemy. Encouraged by his victory over them at Rhodes 42 years earlier, he is certain … Read more

The China Threat

The China Threat

The recent events surrounding the attack on an American surveillance plane by the Chinese have served as a much-needed wakeup call for Americans. It is time to take a serious look at “engagement” and reassess American attitudes toward this communist power. The China Threat: How the People’s Republic Targets America by Bill … Read more

Beyond the Call of Duty

Beyond the Call of Duty 1

Americans love heroes. Something about them grips the American soul. Perhaps the attraction lies precisely in going against the zeitgeist of this hedonistic age. Heroes are outside the box. They do not fare well in a culture where real living has been reduced to pre-packaged experiences and media-generated events. They get lost … Read more

Apologia for a Catholic Counter-Revolutionary

Apologia for a Catholic Counter-Revolutionary 2

“When still very young, I marveled at the ruins of Christendom and gave them my heart. I turned my back on all I could expect and made of that past, so full of blessings, my future.” With these words taken from an address made by the Brazilian jurist and eminent conservative thinker … Read more

America Needs Fatima Promotes Meet the Witnesses

Meet the Witnesses of the Miracle of the Sun

America Needs Fatima has just republished John Haffert’s book, Meet the Witnesses, which contains the most complete collection of eyewitness testimonies to the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima ever made. In an era of rationalism and doubt, this is the book’s unique contribution to the many volumes written on Fatima. However, … Read more

Defending a Higher Law Now Available Online

Defending a Higher Law Now Available Online

The American TFP’s hard-hitting book, Defending a Higher Law, is now available online in pdf format. The work outlines the dangers that the homosexual agenda poses to society, refutes common myths concerning homosexuality and clearly outlines Church teaching on the sin of sodomy.

Cardinal Medina Praises Defending a Higher Law

Cardinal Medina Praises Defending a Higher Law

""""[vc_column_text] As the same-sex “marriage” debate rages worldwide, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) welcomed an encouraging commentary on its 2004 book defending traditional marriage from Cardinal Jorge A. Medina Estévez. The Cardinal sent his remarks upon receiving the new Spanish-language edition of the American TFP’s … Read more

Letter from Cardinal Medina

Letter from Cardinal Medina

Santiago, January 7, 2005 Director of ‘Acción Familia’ Dear Mr. Montes, I have received the copy of the book, Defending a Higher Law, which you kindly sent me I and sincerely thank you for having sent it. The theme of homosexuality has attracted the attention of moralists and historians for many centuries … Read more