In face of the starvation death of Terri Schiavo, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has registered its “indignant protest and heartfelt mourning” at the shameful and incomprehensible Schiavo tragedy. In a letter to Governor Jeb Bush, American TFP president Raymond Drake emphasized the organization’s total rejection for the unjustified killing.
The letter notes that man did not receive his fundamental rights from government but from his rational and free nature. Having lost her liberty when she was denied independent counsel and, more importantly perhaps, an independent guardian, she is now being deprived of her life.
Citing an apparent conflict of interest in the case, Mr. Drake noted the nation’s shame and humiliation compounded by an unjust and inhumane execution causing a slow and painful death. Moreover, Terri has been abandoned to her fate given that the courts of the land have failed her and those invested with legitimate authority feel powerless to intervene, or worse, simply choose not to do so.
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The TFP letter remarked that the death affects not just “family and friends but millions of stunned and concerned Americans” who wonder what will be the next absurdity to be perpetrated in the name of justice.
As Roman Catholics, the letter continues, the TFP looks toward Heaven, “beseeching Mary’s motherly intercession, and asking God to have mercy on Terri, on Florida, and on America.”