The Da Vinci Code Protest: Rochester Leads the Way

Catholics in Rochester did not want to wait until the May 19 opening to protest The DaVinci Code movie. The local theater was already advertising the film and so they decided to lead the way by becoming the first of the over 1,000 planned theater protests. Nearly 50 Catholics, young and old, paraded with signs and banners in front of the Tinseltown USA Theatre on Buffalo Road to express their indignation towards the blasphemous movie.

These ardent Catholics prayed the rosary, litanies and other prayers.
These ardent Catholics prayed the rosary, litanies and other prayers.

The success of the May 1 Rochester protest has prompted others to consider similar pre-opening demonstrations to protest a film that is so offensive to the Catholic Faith. The movie, which is based on a novel of the same title by Dan Brown, attacks the Divinity of Christ, the Papacy and the hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church.

Led by Norman Fulkerson of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign, these ardent Catholics prayed the rosary, litanies and other prayers. They also shouted slogans and displayed signs as motorists and pedestrians passed by on the busy highway. Everyone perceived something very important was happening.

The reactions were very positive. One motorist slowed down in order to read what the signs said and made an abrupt U-turn to find out more about the issue. He was promptly handed a flyer and went on his way. Others honked their horns and gave thumbs up to show their approval. There were also those who definitely disagreed with the protest and interrupted the peaceful and legal event with shouts and commentaries.

A bagpiper enlivened the crowd’s spirits by playing tunes like “God Bless America,” “Amazing Grace” and “The Marine Hymn.” The protestors held imaginative signs that read “Fiction or Not, the Da Vinci Code Offends God!” Another said “The Great Hoax is The Da Vinci Code and Not Christianity!” Another said “Da Vinci Code: Fiction is No Excuse for Offensive Falsehood!”

After the peaceful and prayerful protest, the crowd then proceeded to a nearby church where they gave thanks for this chance to defend Our Lord
and make plans for more protests on or before the official May 19 opening.

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