The Head of Satan Smashed by Over Sixty Prayer Warriors in Wilkes-Barre

Indignant Catholics organized a protest against a Satanic circus in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

Why did over sixty faithful Catholics gather at a busy intersection on September 20 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania?

Because this weekend, a blasphemous, Satanic circus took place in the parking lot of the Wyoming Valley Mall.

During this circus, men dress as nuns and simulate immoral acts. Additionally, overtly demonic imagery is on full display. Macabre scenes are also a key feature of this event, which allows children as young as thirteen!

Once local Catholics learned about this outrage, a massive petition drive was launched and reached over 15,000 signatures.

Indignant Catholics then quickly organized a rosary rally of reparation right next to the circus. Fourteen TFP volunteers made a five-hour round trip journey to join nearly forty local prayer warriors.


Additionally, a contingent of six came from the TFP-run Saint Louis de Montfort Academy. They brought with them drums, bagpipes, fifes and trumpets. Between the mysteries of the rosary, they would play Marian hymns. These songs invigorated and inspired everyone attending the rally and encouraged them to pray loud for all to hear.

In addition to the instruments, the TFP van brought plenty of signs, encouraging passing drivers to honk their horns against Satan and his pomps. The loud honking infuriated those who were on their way to the Satanic circus, but thanks be to God, these were heavily outnumbered by pro-God Americans who showed their support.

A large banner read: “Satan Has No Rights!” The banner helped provide unity to the rally’s message – that this offensive, blasphemous show has no right to take place… ever.

The ambiance of the rally was a mixture of joy and sorrow. Of course, the rally participants were devastated by the grave sins being committed just a block away. However, they were honored to make reparation to God in the public square, a fact which brought smiles to their faces.

Before and after the rally, there were lively conversations. Everyone spoke of how important these kinds of rallies are and discussed the need to hold more of them in the future.

Everyone agreed that this rally was a success. God’s side achieved three victories against Satan that day.

Firstly, the prayer protest made public reparation to God for a public sin. Justice requires this, and if those sixty people hadn’t done so, it would not have been done.

Secondly, the rally also united a network of Catholics willing to oppose sin in the public square. Now, anytime similar events are scheduled in the area, dozens of activists will be ready to respond on a minute’s notice.

Finally, this rally had a big impact on public opinion in the area. Now, thousands of people are aware of the spiritual battle being fought. Everyone who passed was faced with a decision to make—between God and Satan. Thankfully, most people chose God.

Please pray for the faithful Catholics who are fighting to keep it that way.

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