The Rosary: A Most Extraordinarily Efficacious Devotion

The Rosary: A Most Extraordinarily Efficacious Devotion
The Rosary: A Most Extraordinarily Efficacious Devotion
Photo Credit: Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

To be a devotee of the Blessed Virgin Mary for a Catholic is not a matter of preference, inclination or sympathy, much less sentimentality. It is a matter of life or death, since it involves effectively wanting or not eternal salvation.

If it is true that the only necessary mediator between Heaven and Earth is Our Lord Jesus Christ, it is also certain that no grace is communicated to man without the intercession of the Most Holy Virgin Mother of God. This is how Divine Providence was pleased to arrange the supernatural order.

It is therefore very important for the faithful to honor Mary Most Holy with tender, filial and strong devotion, using the means that best contribute to maintaining in their souls the sentiments of true love and deep veneration for the Holy Mother of God.

Quotes About the Rosary from Our Lady, Popes, and Saints

Singular among these means, in the very authoritative opinion of the Roman Pontiffs, stands the frequent recitation of the Most Holy Rosary. History has demonstrated its extraordinary effectiveness.

The faithful must always pray at least five decades of the Rosary—a chaplet. However, they should especially dedicate themselves to this devotion during October, the month of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary.

Excerpt adapted from an article published in the newspaper “O Legionário,” No. 368, p. 3, on October 1, 1939, without the author’s revision. –Ed.

Photo Credit: Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


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