The Vatican has confirmed that President Biden will meet with Pope Francis when he travels to Europe for the G20 summit in Rome on Oct. 30–31. No details were released about what might be discussed at the brief private encounter.
However, past declarations of both participants can provide some ideas about what won’t happen at the meeting. In addition, the pope’s October 9 encounter with Nancy Pelosi is also indicative of what not to expect later this month. A statement by the 81-year-old House Speaker reported that the environment, migration and human rights were the topics discussed during her visit with the pontiff.
President Biden’s visit will probably follow a similar format. Here are three things not to expect during the meeting.
1. Not About Abortion
The meeting will not be about abortion. Do not expect any ringing condemnation of procured abortion. President Biden will not change his radical agenda of going beyond any other president in promoting the slaughter of innocent lives. Don’t expect Pope Francis to criticize, scold or lecture the president about his scandalous support for abortion.
This visit should break all illusions that there is hope for dialogue with liberal Catholics on this issue. President Biden clearly shows that abortion is a non-negotiable issue for him and his party. He will make no compromise or concession in this battle. Procured abortion is the core dogma in his liberal creed. His aggressive pursuit of unlimited abortion shows no mercy to the many unborn Americans who have died under his watch.
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For a long time, some Catholics entertained the idea that pro-abortion politicians are confused, ignorant and misinformed sheep that need an amplitude of pastoral “guidance” to explain Catholic doctrine to them. The double visit of Nancy Pelosi and President Biden will make it clear they are not interested in Church doctrinal guidance or returning to the fold.
Tragically, it will also become apparent that the mortal sin of procured abortion is unimportant to the Vatican. There will be no condemnation or harsh rebuke from Pope Francis on this preeminent issue despite the perfect opportunity.
2. Not About Moral Issues
Don’t expect the meeting to be about moral issues. The new theology of the earth is more than likely to be a central theme of the encounter. The two see eye-to-eye on “climate justice.” There are much more likely to be complaints against the consumer society than the hot-button sexuality issues destroying America’s moral fiber.
Any mention of God is more likely to resemble the Pachamama goddess worshiped at Rome’s Amazon Synod last year than the one true God of Catholic worship.
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Again, it is time to throw out all illusions. No one will be changing their positions. On one side, Pope Francis has written the encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti, which outline his massive ecological and pro-illegal mass migration agenda. On his part, President Biden is trying to ram through Congress a version of the AOC (Sanders-approved) Green New Deal, disguised as an infrastructure bill.
3. No Excommunications
Don’t expect to see any excommunications from the encounter. Pope Francis sees excommunications as anti-pastoral—except for devout Catholics holding strongly to Tradition. Pope Francis has just said that he has never excommunicated anyone during his decades as bishop. This visit will not break with his refusal to discipline public and notorious Catholic politicians who scandalize the faithful by their impious disdain for Church teaching.
On the other hand, neither President Biden nor Mrs. Pelosi fears excommunication. There seems to be nothing either can do to provoke disciplinary action. Most Rev. Salvatore Cordileone—archbishop of San Francisco, where Mrs. Pelosi resides—characterized the House speaker’s Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021, which attempts to codify the “right” to abortion into federal law, as “the type of legislation one would expect from a devout Satanist, not a devout Catholic.” This notwithstanding, he has not excommunicated her.
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Tragically, the visit of President Biden to the Holy Father will only serve to validate the indefensible pro-abortion position. There will be no “dialogue” seeking the president’s conversion to the right side. Both the president and the speaker will use their visits to trumpet their “good standing” at the Vatican. Likewise, Pope Francis will continue his wrongheaded policies favoring the radical left.
The visit can help shatter all illusions, though. The attitudes exhibited during these visits indicate that none of those involved will change their ways.
Those who oppose procured abortion must continue their admirable work inside this painful conclusion. They must continue praying, placing all their trust in Our Lord and His Blessed Mother and no one else.
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They must confide that God will bring these days of malediction and chastisement to an end. They must recall the Church’s consoling words in the Introit for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, the Rorate caeli desuper: “Be comforted, be comforted, my people; thy salvation shall speedily come. Why wilt thou waste away in sadness? Why hath sorrow seized thee? I will save thee; fear not: for I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Redeemer.”