Already a Category 5, Hurricane Irma with her 185 mph sustained winds is making her way towards the U.S. coast. Florida and Puerto Rico have already declared state of emergency and evacuations have already begun.1
Grocery stores are being sold out of water and people are doing everything they can to prepare for impact.
If you are in the possible affected areas, here are three ways you should prepare for Hurricane Irma.
Pray and Go to Confession
First and foremost, have recourse to God. If there is anyone who can prepare you better for a natural disaster it is Him Who is the Creator of the world. Pray to Him as the trial approaches.
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Reconcile yourself with God by going to Confession. Above all, make sure your soul is in order. This merciful sacrament was given to that you may cleanse your soul. With life-threatening catastrophes, only God knows when your last hour may come.
Have Confidence and Be Resigned to God’s Will
Do not be distraught by the impending danger. Yes, the idea of what is coming is frightening, but have confidence in God and His Mother, Mary, that they will protect you. Place your trust in Divine Providence and dispel all agitation, then you will be able to make objective and coherent decisions when the occasion arises.
With natural disasters come immense damage. If the hurricane makes landfall, many houses, cars, boats, pets, and other valuable possessions will be destroyed and lost in the chaos. Remain calm and resign yourself to the will of God.
After all, the Good Lord giveth and taketh away.
Think of Others and Embrace Heroism
Of course, there are the normal preparations that consist of stocking up on provisions and making a plan to evacuate. Get in touch with relatives and friends and make sure they are preparing also. Board up the windows of your house. Turn off the electricity breakers if you are to expect major flooding.
These are all very serious and necessary steps to prepare for a natural disaster. However, much more important is to step up to the plate and help others. If you see someone in need, be a true American that the nation can be proud of.
Recently during Hurricane Harvey, countless selfless Texans and Louisianians arose to the occasion to offer themselves to aid those in most need. If you want to make a difference, be a hero. That’s what it means to be an American.
These three reasons listed may not sound practical at first, but with close examination, they are the best way you can prepare for not just Hurricane Irma, but any disaster that may strike.