Time for a Reality Check in the Pro-life Cause

Time for a Reality Check in the Pro-life Cause
Time for a Reality Check in the Pro-life Cause

As we approach the 2025 Marches for Life, the pro-life movement is forced to confront new realities in light of the results of the November elections. The battlefield has changed, and it is time to reflect on the opportunities and dangers we now face.

For this reason, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) invites all those opposing procured abortion to consider new perspectives that will help secure the victory we so urgently need.

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Entering 2025, pro-life Americans have much to celebrate.

Pro-lifers gave a sigh of relief and prayed in thanksgiving for the defeat of the Harris ticket. We recall with dread the Biden/Harris record of being the most pro-abortion administration in our history. There was no limit to its zeal for the pro-abortion cause. Every possible avenue was opened to facilitate the massive slaughter of innocents. The Harris defeat prevented further catastrophe on a massive scale.

Many other downballot pro-abortion candidates lost as well. We must celebrate this promising development.

We must also consider the impact of the Harris election loss worldwide. It devastated leftists and pro-abortion forces everywhere. The U.S. left had hoped to use the abortion issue as a rallying point to push its revolution forward. Globally, pro-abortionist and leftist forces enter 2025 demoralized and divided.

Not all election news was good. Pro-abortion amendments passed in seven states. That should move us to prayerful reflection. It signals that the fight for the unborn is far from over. Much work remains to be done before we see the dawn of victory.

Thus, the election changed perspectives in both positive and negative ways. It is time to do a reality check to see where we stand, what has changed, and what we must do in the days ahead.

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This reassessment should help us eliminate old myths that delay our victory. We must change our perception of the pro-abortionists who revealed their entire face during the election. Some conservatives have also changed. We need to keep our focus and resist the immense pressure to change our message and follow their bad example. We must never betray the cause of the unborn.

Thus, we present four reality checks to help guide our future.

Reality check #1: There are no moderates in the pro-abortion movement. The defeat of Roe has thrown the abortion side into a frenzy, and its activists are revealing their true colors.

The pro-abortionists who proposed that abortions should be safe, legal and rare as a “reasonable” means for justifying procured abortion are gone.

With the Roe reversal, we have awakened to the reality that there are no moderates left in the abortion movement. Today’s pro-abortionists have thrown caution to the wind and demand that North Korean-style abortion rules from conception to birth be enshrined into law and state constitutions.

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Their radical cries call for no compromise. They target us with their hatred. Some even vandalize our pregnancy centers.

The fight has changed. We face a radical adversary that no longer hides its final and hideous goal. The sides are better defined.

This new situation opens up opportunities, as many will be alarmed by the increasing abortionist radicalism that manifests itself with so much vitriol. However, it will also present dangers since we can expect the battle to intensify and become more brutal.

Reality Check #2: The Pro-Abortion Position Is Not Invincible

The 2024 general election destroyed the myth that the abortion issue always wins at the polls.

After Roe, pro-abortionists adopted the strategy of holding referenda, introducing pro-abortion amendments to state constitutions. Heavily outspending the anti-abortion opposition, pro-abortionists managed to pass a string of these initiatives. The more they passed, the more convinced they became that pro-abortion ballot initiatives were invincible.

That false myth was crushed in November. Pro-life candidates won elections in droves, and three pro-abortion amendments were defeated. Election results proved that pro-abortion initiatives can be defeated even when the pro-life side is massively outspent.

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In addition, the left had hoped that the issue would galvanize an extraordinary number of women to vote and, therefore, help pro-abortionist candidates win.

This massive wave of enthusiasm for “reproductive rights” never showed up. Seemingly, over 7 million Democrat Party voters stayed home. The spectacular voter absenteeism was the defeat of Harris/Walz.

Abortion is still an important issue on both sides. However, it is not the rallying point the left imagined.

Reality Check #3: The Dynamics of the Pro-life Battle Have Changed

Time for a REALITY CHECK in the Pro-life Cause
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The pro-life side has long counted upon the unconditional support of the conservative movement over the decades. On its part, we have supplied the means and votes to get candidates elected on all levels of government.

This mutual aid provided the needed energy and persistence to overturn Roe v. Wade. The pro-life cause became a rallying point for all things conservative.

The sad new reality is that this unconditional support is no more. Many in the conservative movement now call for abandoning the fight against abortion. Some do this because they think the overturning of Roe was a sufficient solution to the problem. Others feel that economic issues should be the sole priority. Others claim that supporting life issues courts defeat at the ballot box.

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Thus, we must face the reality of these misguided views among conservatives. This is not the first time we have faced spineless politicians who change with the wind. We must insist upon the preeminent importance of the abortion issue. Morals are non-negotiable. We must stay the course as we have done over the years. We will not weary in this regard. We will only be satisfied with complete victory.

Reality Check #4: We Cannot Avoid the Need to Change the Culture

The pro-life movement won the intellectual debate by its perseverant insistence that abortion was not a woman’s right but a moral evil. Procured abortion is always murder since it stops the beating heart of an innocent unborn baby.

The new reality is that the movement must take the fight one step further, centering it on defeating the sexual revolution. We must address the problem at its source. Indeed, abortion facilitated the destruction of Christian morals by allowing men and women to be sexually active without the consequence of pregnancy.

The facts show the need to make the sexual revolution the target of our unflagging efforts. The vast majority of abortions (87 percent) are the result of non-marital sexual relations. The best defense of the unborn is the traditional family, a father and a mother united in marriage—one man and one woman united for life to the exclusion of all others. As long as the culture extols complete sexual freedom, abortion will always be seen as emergency contraception.

Thus, the pro-life movement must not only have the courage to save the lives of babies (vital as this is), but it must attack the sexual revolution in all its manifestations. We must seek to save marriage, promote modesty, and uphold and praise chastity. We must decry promiscuity, license, and impurity. We must dedicate to this moral war all the ingenuity, resolve and sacrifice used to close 4,333 (and counting) abortion clinics nationwide.

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This effort would consist of showing abortion’s devastating negative impact on individuals and communities. It would also call for presenting a positive vision of men and women inside a pro-marriage and pro-family framework. Above all, we should be good examples of virtuous living to draw people to our cause.

This task is made easier because the dominant liberal model of society is crumbling, and so few alternatives are presented.

*          *          *

Timid souls might object that such a social transformation is impossible. However, they said the same about overturning Roe v. Wade, and Dobbs proved them wrong.

Society can change for the good. In our reality check, we must have recourse to a higher One—a supernatural power for Whom all things are possible.

Only through the help of an Almighty God and His Blessed Mother can we accept this challenge to change the culture and cut the root cause of abortion.

Today, when political help waffles and wanes, we must confide that Divine assistance will be all the more certain. We must believe with the unshakeable confidence that moves mountains to obtain the victory we need.

Let us go forth, therefore, and bravely face the new realities that challenge us. With our prayer and action, we will improvise and dare as we march on to our blessed goal: A moral and abortion-free America under God. Let us not tire or rest until procured abortion becomes unthinkable and God and His Blessed Mother are glorified throughout this land.


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