TFP Decries Supreme Court’s Decision as America’s “Moral 9/11”

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has issued the following statement about the June 26, 2003 Supreme Court’s decision on Lawrence v. Texas striking down a Texas anti-sodomy law: The American TFP decries the June 26, 2003 Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas striking down … Read more

Combating “Civil Unions” in Vermont

Responding to efforts by the Vermont State Legislature to effectively grant homosexual couples the same benefits as married couples, the TFP launched a sweeping nationwide effort urging Americans to voice their protest. Thousands of protest leaflets were handed out on the sidewalks of New York City and 150,000 were mailed to the … Read more

Fight to Save Traditional Marriage

Fight to Save Traditional Marriage

America Needs Fatima members in California worked hard to promote Prop 22, a proposition on the March 7 ballot, which guarantees that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California,” and to save California from the horrors of same-sex “marriage.” Our Lady’s volunteers went out to … Read more

Appeal to Hawaii’s Voters

Hawaii is at the threshold of one of the most serious and transcendent events in its history: the November 3 ballot initiative to amend its Constitution to prevent the State Supreme Court from mandating homosexual “marriage.” If voters reaffirm their commitment to the American family, Hawaiians will be able to live according … Read more
