The Only Divorce-Free City in the World

The Only Divorce-Free City in the World

The family is one of the institutions most affected by the crisis in our decadent times. Religious and moral sentiments have practically disappeared as if torn to bits. The divorce rate is overwhelming—an estimated 50% of marriages fall apart. Added to this, there are illicit unions, which are common and seemingly without … Read more

When Non-Negotiable Values Are Neglected

When Non-Negotiable Values Are Neglected

In the first chapter of his important new book, Pope Francis’s “Paradigm Shift”: Continuity or Rupture in the Mission of the Church?, José Antonio Ureta points out the lack of certainty about the Pope’s interpretation of Church teachings, using Francis’s own words. ✧                    †                    ✧ On the first anniversary of his accession to the … Read more

The Touching Encouragement of an Archbishop

The Touching Encouragement of an Archbishop

There are many ways, big and small, to fight against today’s anti-Christian culture. There are public displays of Faith that are impressive in their scope and organization. This can be seen every year at the National March for Life as well as similar marches in states and cities all across America. There … Read more

Catholics Pray Outside Cathedral Where Controversial Jesuit Speaks

Catholics Pray Outside Cathedral Where Controversial Jesuit Speaks 1

Nearly 200 Catholics prayed across from Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago on March 22, where Father James Martin, S.J. gave a Lenten talk. The invitation to speak caused an uproar since the outspoken Jesuit priest is an open and active promoter of pro-homosexual issues. He has been banned from speaking at several Catholic venues. … Read more

LGBT Activists Disrupt Protest Against Homo-erotic Advertisements

LGBT Activists Disrupt Protest Against Homo-erotic Advertisements 2

On March 11, the Dutch organization, Stichting Civitas Christiana, held a street campaign in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, directed against the sexually explicit advertising posters of clothing manufacturer Suitsupply. The demonstration immediately sparked a counter-protest by LGBT activists, who reacted with violence, insults and threats. The protest all happened under the watchful eyes … Read more

City Attacks Catholic Farmer for Belief in God’s Marriage

City Attacks Catholic Farmer for Belief in God’s Marriage

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys challenge city policy that ousted farmer from market for his belief in God’s marriage as the union between one man and one woman. LANSING, Mich. – Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing an organic farmer in Michigan filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against the city of East Lansing after officials ousted his … Read more
