A Challenge to Our Lady of Fatima

A Challenge to Our Lady of Fatima 5

The Portuguese parliament’s approval of same-sex “marriage” on January 8 is shocking for many reasons. A Challenge to Our Lady of Fatima First, the fact itself legalizes a practice aberrant to nature and also discredits marriage. Then, this law was passed in the land of Our Lady of Fatima, as if defying … Read more

How Traditional Family Won in New Jersey

How Traditional Family Won in New Jersey 1

""""[vc_column_text] The media and political rigmarole surrounding New Jersey Senate Bill 1967 left pro-family advocates smelling a rat, suspecting some kind of deal had been made to sweep the same-sex “marriage” bill through at the last minute. The American TFP organized a three-prong effort to counter this attack on Traditional Marriage. After … Read more

Traditional Marriage Wins Again

Traditional Marriage Wins Again 3

In yet another crushing defeat for the pro-homosexual movement, the New York State Senate decisively rejected by a 38-to-24 margin a bill that would have forced same-sex “marriage” upon New Yorkers. The issue is essentially dead until the next legislative session in 2011. TFP volunteers campaign for Traditional Marriage in New York The … Read more

PRESS RELEASE: Traditional marriage group assaulted by pro-homosexual activists: police report filed

Contact: The American TFP www.tfp.org John Ritchie – Student Action Director, 717-225-7147 HANOVER, PA (July 29, 2009) — Volunteers from the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) were assaulted by pro-homosexual activists yesterday in Warwick, Rhode Island, as they peacefully held signs in support of traditional marriage. … Read more

Traditional Marriage Crusade Campaign Central

Traditional Marriage Crusade Campaign Central

""""[vc_column_text]Motivated teams of young TFP volunteers tour Maryland, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and other states, where they held signs and distributed thousands of flyers explaining why homosexual “marriage” is harmful to society and must be opposed. What is the TFP “caravan” for marriage? Thank you for all your support in this crusade. … Read more

Victory in California: Like it or not, As California Goes…

Victory in California: Like it or not, As California Goes… 2

Amid the euphoria in the recent elections, three shining lights appeared on the horizon that the left is trying hard to ignore or explain away. The lights came as a killjoy to an otherwise festive occasion and raise serious questions about what the victory means. Indeed, if the elections were about a … Read more

Videos: On the Front Lines for Traditional Marriage

Videos: On the Front Lines for Traditional Marriage

  News coverage in Watertown, New York. Read the full article here.   Campaign and interview in Staten Island, New York. Defending Traditional Marriage in New York   Interview with a passer-by and footage of pro-homosexual assault during a traditional marriage campaign in White Plains, New York. *          *          * The following videos were … Read more

Catholic Archbishop Denounces Tactics of the Homosexual Movement

Catholic Archbishop Denounces Tactics of the Homosexual Movement

In an articulate and courageous September 19 statement, the Catholic archbishop of Paraiba, Brazil reiterated the perennial doctrine of the Church against homosexual practice and same-sex “marriage.” Archbishop Aldo di Cillo Pagotto denounced what he called the “missionaries of the homosexual cause,” who seek to impose ostensible homosexual practice on society by … Read more