Defending a Higher Law Now Available Online

Defending a Higher Law Now Available Online

The American TFP’s hard-hitting book, Defending a Higher Law, is now available online in pdf format. The work outlines the dangers that the homosexual agenda poses to society, refutes common myths concerning homosexuality and clearly outlines Church teaching on the sin of sodomy.

Petition Letter to the Bishops

Reverent and Filial Petition to the Catholic Bishops of America (signed by concerned Catholics from across the nation)   Your Excellencies: Whereas, the homosexual agenda is advancing at breathless speed, paving the way for the legalization of homosexual “marriage;” Whereas, the Holy See issued a 12-page statement to condemn homosexual “marriage,” urging … Read more

Letter to the Bishops

Letter to the Bishops

In an attempt to urge the bishops’ pastoral leadership in the struggle to defend the family in America, representatives of the American TFP delivered eight boxes of signed petitions to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington D.C. on November 1, 2005. The petition, which calls on America’s bishops to … Read more

Defending a Higher Law Now Available In Polish

Defending a Higher Law Now Available In Polish

When the American TFP launched its hard-hitting book against same-sex “marriage” in February 2004, it hoped to spread the book far and wide. With three editions, Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same-sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement soon became an important resource for all those defending traditional marriage. Now … Read more

Nothing Is the Matter with Kansas

Nothing Is the Matter with Kansas 1

On Tuesday, April 5, Kansas became the eighteenth state to amend its constitution by defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The second part of the amendment also declared that only traditional unions of one man and one woman would be entitled to the “rights and incidents” of … Read more

Resisting the Pressure: Poland is Not Alone

Speaking about the threat of same-sex marriage in Catholic Poland is a bit like talking about the need to prepare an inland country for a coming hurricane. For many Poles, homosexuality is simply not part of their daily experience; same-sex “marriage” is an inconceivable aberration. Yet this unlikely “hurricane” is now appearing … Read more

Cardinal Medina Praises Defending a Higher Law

Cardinal Medina Praises Defending a Higher Law

""""[vc_column_text] As the same-sex “marriage” debate rages worldwide, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) welcomed an encouraging commentary on its 2004 book defending traditional marriage from Cardinal Jorge A. Medina Estévez. The Cardinal sent his remarks upon receiving the new Spanish-language edition of the American TFP’s … Read more

Letter from Cardinal Medina

Letter from Cardinal Medina

Santiago, January 7, 2005 Director of ‘Acción Familia’ Dear Mr. Montes, I have received the copy of the book, Defending a Higher Law, which you kindly sent me I and sincerely thank you for having sent it. The theme of homosexuality has attracted the attention of moralists and historians for many centuries … Read more

Defending the Highest Law in Topeka

Defending the Highest Law in Topeka 3

On the evening of November 16, twenty TFP supporters staged a rally outside the Topeka City Hall where the city council was debating a proposed ordinance that would prohibit “discrimination” against homosexuals. The measure would have added sexual orientation — a changeable lifestyle — to the list of race, religion, national origin … Read more