Lesbian activist Rikki Wilchins has no problem defining her final goal. Her article, “We’ll Win the Bathroom Battle When Binary Burns”1 clearly states that the goal is to eradicate the differences between man and woman. If a person cannot be identified objectively by his or her characteristics using logic, we cannot know anything. With this, the principles of identity and non-contradiction vanish leading to mental and personal chaos. “Transgender” people want to transform “identity” into a mere illusion created by fantasy determined by whatever one desires. They deceive themselves with the illusion that they can change their sex and identity at will.
Of course, this is absolutely impossible to do. “It is physiologically impossible to change a person’s sex, since the sex of each individual is encoded in the genes—XX if female, XY if male. Surgery can only create the appearance of the other sex,” explains Richard P. Fitzgibbons, M.D., Philip M. Sutton, Ph.D., and Dale O’Leary in a well-documented study. Sexual identity, they add, “is written on every cell of the body and can be determined through DNA testing. It cannot be changed.”2
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While sex cannot be changed, newly invented terms referring to sex created by the homosexual movement try to give the appearance of change and cause confusion in the general public. It would be helpful to understand the meaning and origin of the words gender and transgender as steps in changing the perception of a person’s sex.
A sexologist at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. John Money, coined the term “gender” in 1955 as a term to describe what sex one identifies with, not a defined biological trait. However, if a person manifests anything other than a heterosexual sexual desire, it has long been considered a psychological disorder that no one is born with and is manifestly contrary to our human nature.
In 1965, psychiatrist John Olivan coined the term transgenderism in a medical study on Sexual Hygiene and Pathology and used it in a medical context to indicate the urge one suffers from when desiring a change of sex. Note here that the word urge does not refer to a biological matter but a function of the will, which is to desire. Neither the word gender nor transgender have any basis in genetics, rather they are psychological terms that refer to states that originate in the mind.
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Many credit transvestite Arnold Lowman, who took the name “Virginia Prince,” for coining the term transgender in 1969, but this is not true. However, Arnold did start the Society for the Second Self, published the magazine Tranvestia from 1960 till 1980 and produced many other writings promoting transgenderism. One such was titled “The Expression of Femininity in the Male” in 1967 under the pseudonym “Virginia Bruce” that discussed the psychiatric links between cross-dressing and sexual deviation. Never did he confuse his biological sex with his desires.
Wilchins, the founder of the first transgender advocacy group Gender-PAC, has gone further stating “as a matter of simple human dignity, trans people should be allowed to access the bathroom that fits their gender identity. Full stop.”3 Her argument assumes the premise that gender ideology is an uncontested fact while complaining that we are all confined to the social construct of the binary system of sexes that must be destroyed because it gives an indisputable definition according to biological characteristics. Binary sex is not a social construct but a reality rooted in biology, and destroying it destroys our nature.
What Wilchins will ultimately achieve by “burning binary,” is the burning of logic through moral relativism. Logic is the intellectual means by which we are able to know things correctly; that is, what something is and is not, to define what things as they are. The etymology of the word define would help as it comes from the Latin dē-fīnīre, meaning to set limits or specify, and transgenders want to eliminate any definition that clashes with their ever-changing fantasies.
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In fact, the very word transgender is not clearly defined by the very people who promote it. It is an umbrella term used by the homosexual movement to address myriad sexual desires and identities. Besides referring to trans-men and trans-women that “identify” with the opposite biological sex, it can also refer to people who are not exclusively men or women but are genderqueer, which includes bigender, pangender, genderfluid, third gender and agender. Some of these definitions include being both, or neither, sex and or “gender” at the same time and place.
Taking a Principled not a Personal Stand
As practicing Catholics, we are filled with compassion and pray for those who struggle against violent temptation to sin, be it toward homosexual sin or otherwise.
We are conscious of the enormous difference between these individuals who struggle with their weaknesses and strive to overcome them and others who transform their sin into a reason for pride, and try to impose their lifestyle on society as a whole, in flagrant opposition to traditional Christian morality and natural law. However, we pray for them too.
According to the expression attributed to Saint Augustine, we “hate the sin but love the sinner.” And to love the sinner, as the same Doctor of the Church explains, is to wish for him the best we can possibly desire for ourselves, namely, “that he may love God with a perfect affection.” (St. Augustine, Of the Morals of the Catholic Church, No. 49, www.newadvent.org/fathers/1401.htm)
Once sexual binary concepts have been destroyed, and together with them the first principle of logic, the principle of identity will be challenged. This is the first of the three classical principles of thought stating that everything that exists has a specific nature. It states that each entity exists as something in particular and possesses characteristics that are a part of what it is, therefore “each thing is the same with itself and different from another.”
10 Razones Por las Cuales el “Matrimonio” Homosexual es Dañino y tiene que Ser Desaprobado
Logic shows us that it is impossible to affirm and to deny one thing at the same time and under the same aspect; it is a consequence of the principles of identity and non-contradiction. However, with transgenderism rejecting the principle of identity, it also rejects the principle of non-contradiction. This is the patent substitution of objective reality with subjective feelings.
If the moral relativism inherent to transgenderism succeeds in burning the concepts of binary definition and logic regarding one’s sex, what can possibly resist the ferocious unbridled passions from obliterating the very underpinnings of what makes us all human beings? By forcing society to respect a man for what he feels like rather than what he is, we will have completely denied the fundamental characteristic that defines us as rational beings. That is, the extinguishing of the light of reason through the denial of logic, one of the most important qualities that differentiates us from every other animal.
It becomes clear that by challenging fundamental and non-negotiable binary concepts, the very being of humanity is at stake. The burning of binary unleashes a moral relativism that threatens the destruction of civilization. It is ironic that the transgender movement can’t seem to see the God-given definition of biological sex; but it clearly defines its goal to destroy the very existence of that which it denies.