Two Million Rosaries

The Blessed Mother spoke about the rosary during each and every one of the six apparitions to the three little shepherds of Fatima starting on May 13, 1917. On the last day of Her apparitions on October 13, 1917 during which over 70,000 people witnessed the miracle of the sun, she eventually revealed to the little children that “I am the Lady of the Rosary!”

There can be no doubt that the Rosary is the easiest, most effective and most powerful prayer we have in our treasury of prayers. From the sanctification of souls to the end of wars,Our Lady of Fatima’s emphasis on the power ofthe rosary has been proven time and time again throughout human history. When Lucia askedOur Lady if Francisco would go to heaven, she said yes, “…but he has to pray many rosaries!”

While the First World War was still raging at the time of the apparitions, Our Lady told Lucia, “Pray the rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war.” One year later, the war came to an end! Countless miracles are attributed to the power of the rosary. Many of these have altered the course of events for peoples and nations that are now indelibly recorded in the archives of history.

Consistent with America Needs Fatima’s mission to promote the message of Fatima and the devotions attached to it, the goal to distribute two million commemorative rosaries was launched to mark the 100-year anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in Fatima, Portugal in 1917. The blessed rosaries are made in Italy and have a special keepsake value for all those who receive them. They are a fitting remembrance of the most important event of recent times—the appearance of the Mother of God and her message of hope for all of mankind.


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